Chaitanya RASA BOT

Rasa Deployment

Deploying Rasa Bot over Google Cloud Platform using Docker.


  • RASA
  • Anaconda Prompt
  • Visual Studio Code


For installing Depencies on Windows:

RASA Installation

If python is installed in your system, then pip comes in handy. So simple steps are:

  1. Install virtualenv using
  • pip install virtualenv

  1. Now in which ever directory you are, this line below will create a virtualenv there
  • virtualenv myenv

And here also you can name it anything instead of myenv.

  1. Now if you are same directory then type,
  • myenv\Scripts\activate

  1. Upgrade pip (Please use this command in administrator mode)
  • pip install --upgrade pip

  1. Install RASA
  • pip install rasa==2.5.0

NOTE : Please check Python version should be 3.7 or greater and pip should be installed previously

If the rasa installation gives error, try this solution

MySQL Installation

We first need to install MySQL Workbench community edition for windows

We can download MySQL Workbench from here

MySQL Workbench requires Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages. If its not previously installed, install it using following link

NOTE : Please select root as username and 12345 as password while installing MySQL Workbench.

RASA MySQL dependencies installation

To download MySQL Python run the following command :

  • pip install mysql-connector-python

Install PyMySQL

  • pip install PyMySQL

Install Pandas

  • pip install pandas

Install SQLAlchemy

  • pip install SQLAlchemy

Installation Complete

Get files

To download the RASA files from github run the following command

Move inside directory

  • cd Chaitanya

Create Intial Database

Run the following command in an Anaconda prompt

  • python

Note : Please run this file only once.

Open a new Anaconda Prompt

  • rasa train

RUN Chatbot

Open one Ananconda prompt and move into Chaitanya folder

  • rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors “*” --debug

Open another Ananconda prompt and move into Chaitanya folder

  • rasa run actions

Chat with Bot

Click on index.html in the folder to open in browser and start chatting