
This plugin offers a way so that children documents inherit metadatas from their parent. Parent and child document types must share at least one schema.

Primary LanguageJava



This plugin allows metadata inheritance from a parent documentary type to all children documentary types which contains. For that, parents and children documentary types must share at least one schema. When a child documentary type is created, all metadatas which are in the common schemas are inherited from the parent to the child. If a parent documentary type is modified and metadatas of the common schemes have been changed, inherited metadatas when the children were created are updated.


Extended Config

  • ignoredMetadatas: it is a comma-separated value with metadata which it will be ignored.
  • propagateNullValues: this value indicates to inheritance handler to propagate null values between document fields.
  • enableSiblingInheritance: this value enables sibling inheritance. When an "inheritor" document is modified, the "inheritable" parent (inherit:parentId) and siblings are updated with his changes.


You just have to compile the pom.xml using Maven and deploy the plugin in. To do this, you must use the following script:

cd athento-nx-metadata-inheritance-master
mvn clean install
cp target/inheritMetadata-*.jar $NUXEO_HOME/nxserver/plugins

And then, restart your nuxeo server and enjoy.