A Python package to interact with Mastertables.
This package provides a very simple way of getting data from your mastertables through the public Rest API.
Just run the command below from the CLI:
pip install mastertables
To add the package to your local requirements.txt
pip freeze | grep 'mastertables' >> requirements.txt
You can install Mastertables from the Github repo:
pip install git+https://github.com/athento/mastertables
Alternatively, you can even install it from the sources:
git clone https://github.com/athento/mastertables
cd mastertables
pip install .
pip install mastertables --upgrade
pip install git+https://github.com/athento/mastertables --upgrade
cd /path/to/mastertables/repo
git pull
pip install . --upgrade
# module
from mastertables import mastertables
# mastertables client instantiation
# usage:
# mastertables.MasterTablesClient("<team_api_key>")
mt = mastertables.MasterTablesClient("OAIV9839AF893H923ONWAN3IGNAWNAUNEGIU")
# get vocabulary
# usage:
# mastertables.MasterTablesClient.get_vocabulary("<vocabulary_uuid>" [, category="<category>"])
# output:
# {u'foo': u'bar', u'asdf': u'qwer'}
# get vocabulary reverse (value:key, instead of key:value)
# usage:
# mastertables.MasterTablesClient.get_vocabulary_reverse("<vocabulary_uuid>" [, category="<category>"])
# output:
# {u'bar': u'foo', u'qwer': u'asdf'}
# get vocabulary values
# usage:
# mastertables.MasterTablesClient.get_values("<vocabulary_uuid>")
# output:
# [u'foo', u'asdf']
# get vocabulary entity value
# usage:
# mastertables.MasterTablesClient.get_value("<vocabulary_uuid>", "<entity_key>" [, index=<index>])
# output:
# u'bar'
print(mt.get_value("1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-12345678abcd", "foo", 0))
Click on this link to read the manual on how to package and upload mastertables to PyPI.