
A curated list of awesome Taiwan open source projects

Artistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


A curated list of awesome Free/Open Source Software projects started in Taiwan or by Taiwanese people.

Lib/Framework/API/Dev Tool

  • MoSQL - Build SQL with native Python data structure smoothly.
  • Node Webworker Threads - Lightweight Web Worker API implementation with native threads.
  • Pux - Pux is a fast PHP Router and includes out-of-box controller tools.
  • R3 - libr3 is a high-performance path dispatching library. It compiles your route paths into a prefix tree (trie). By using the constructed prefix trie in the start-up time, you may dispatch your routes with efficiency.
  • C6 - Compile SASS Faster ! C6 is a SASS-compatible compiler written in Go.
  • Bootstrappers - Bootstrappers is the base Rails application using Bootstrap template and other goodies.
  • Clime - Convert functions into multi-command program breezily.
  • Zipcodetw - Find Taiwan ZIP code by address fuzzily.
  • Npk - Node.js packaging utility.
  • Django Bootstrap Form - Twitter Bootstrap for Django Form.
  • React Google Maps - React.js Google Maps integration component.
  • Zk - ZK is a highly productive Java framework for building amazing enterprise web and mobile applications.
  • DoT - javascript template engine for python.
  • Zhpy - 周蟒, 用中文化 python 語法寫程式。

Web Application

  • Emoji Finder - Find the emoji that echoes your heart using keywords.
  • EtherCalc - Node.js port of Multi-user SocialCalc.
  • Xnes - First Javascript SNES Emulator in the world.
  • 萌典 - 這是 http://moedict.tw/ 線上及離線查詢 App 的源碼庫。
  • Hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework / static site generator.

Desktop Application

  • LXDE - LXDE is a GPL licensed open source desktop environment for Unix and other POSIX compliant platforms, such as Linux. The name LXDE stands for "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment".
  • MacDown - The open source Markdown editor for OS X.
  • Sikuli - Sikuli automates anything you see on the screen. It uses image recognition to identify and control GUI components. It is useful when there is no easy access to a GUI's internal or source code.
  • PCMan BBS Client - PCMan BBS Client.

CLI/System Application

  • PTT BBS - PTT BBS source code.
  • Grs - 台灣上市上櫃股票價格擷取(Fetch Taiwan Stock Exchange data)含即時盤、台灣時間轉換、開休市判斷。
  • 藏頭詩產生器 - 以Ngram為語言模型,先從兩萬首全唐詩中算出Ngram的統計數值,再用Viterbi演算法拼湊出藏頭詩中的每個字, 得出的藏頭詩,看起來很像詩詞但語意未必通順。
  • Ntm - An implementation of Neural Turing Machines in Go.



  • Chewing - Intelligent Chinese Phonetic Input Method.
  • PIME - Implement input methods easily for Windows via Text Services Framework.

Scientific Computing

  • Uni10 - Uni10 is an open-source C++ library designed for the development of tensor network algorithms.
  • Solvcon - SOLVCON is a collection of conservation-law solvers that use the space-time Conservation Element and Solution Element (CESE) method.


  • Awesome Python - A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries and software.
  • Awesome Rrails Gem - A collection of awesome Ruby Gems for Rails development.
  • Awesome WatchOS - A curated list of awesome watchOS frameworks, libraries, sample apps.
  • Mini Arm Os - Build a minimal multi-tasking OS kernel for ARM from scratch.
  • Fast Ruby - Writing Fast Ruby —— Collect Common Ruby idioms.
  • G0v - g0v source code.

The Tears of Time

  • QKMJ
  • KOChess
  • Chdrv
  • CLE