AI Chatbot to identify user prakriti:

Image Analysis:

The analysis of these images is conducted through a two-pronged approach, leveraging the power of OpenCV and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model. OpenCV, a versatile computer vision library, forms the foundation of the image processing pipeline. It enables Y.O.G.I to extract critical facial and body features from the uploaded images.

At the heart of this image analysis process is a sophisticated CNN model. This neural network has been meticulously trained to recognize and extract specific feature points that play a crucial role in determining an individual's constitution. These feature points capture the unique aspects of the user's physical attributes, such as facial proportions and body characteristics.

Once these feature points are extracted, Y.O.G.I utilizes them to classify the user's data into one of three predefined Prakriti categories. These categories serve as the cornerstone of Ayurvedic constitution analysis, guiding users towards a deeper understanding of their unique physiological makeup. In essence, this innovative blend of image analysis, powered by OpenCV and a CNN model, enhances Y.O.G.I's ability to provide users with a holistic assessment of their Prakriti. By combining textual and visual data, Y.O.G.I ensures that users receive personalized insights and recommendations, promoting a harmonious lifestyle aligned with Ayurvedic principles.

AI-based Dosha Classification:

The valuable data collected from users through the chatbot undergoes a robust analysis powered by an AI classification model. This sophisticated model employs Ensemble Learning techniques known as Random Forest, a cutting-edge approach that combines the strengths of multiple machine learning algorithms. Through the synergy of Ensemble Learning, the model generates a comprehensive and nuanced report, classifying the user's Prakriti into one of seven distinct categories. These categories represent a rich spectrum of Ayurvedic constitutions, each with its unique characteristics and implications for an individual's health and well-being.

By employing Ensemble Learning, the AI model enhances the accuracy and reliability of its classifications, ensuring that users receive precise and actionable insights into their Ayurvedic constitution. This comprehensive assessment empowers individuals to make informed choices regarding diet, lifestyle, and activities that align with their Prakriti, fostering a harmonious and balanced way of living according to Ayurvedic principles. Tailoring the user experience even further, once the classification of the user's Prakriti is determined, a personalized and AI-powered multilingual chatbot, affectionately known as Y.O.G.I, comes into play. This chatbot is built on a foundation of state-of-the-art pre-trained transformer technology. image

An AI Ayurvedic Expert Chatbot YOGI:

Y.O.G.I is more than just a chatbot; it's a virtual guide that speaks the language of each user. It understands the importance of multilingualism and adapts its communication to suit the user's preferred language. Whether a user converses in English, Spanish, French, or any other supported language, Y.O.G.I ensures a seamless and natural interaction.

This multilingual chatbot is more than just a linguistic expert. Y.O.G.I possesses a deep understanding of Ayurveda, Prakriti, and Tridosha concepts. It leverages this knowledge to provide personalized recommendations, guidance, and answers to user queries. Y.O.G.I serves as a trusted companion on the journey towards well-being, offering insights on nutrition, lifestyle choices, yoga, and more, all tailored to the user's unique Prakriti.

By delivering personalized advice in the user's language of choice and leveraging its expertise in Ayurveda, Y.O.G.I empowers individuals to make informed decisions for a balanced and harmonious life. It's not just a chatbot; it's a holistic wellness companion designed to enhance the user's overall well-being. Building upon the user's Prakriti and the comprehensive report generated, our system takes personalization to the next level. An additional AI transformer model comes into play to create a fully customized wellness plan for the user.

Personalized Diet Plan:

Our AI transformer model, operating under the robust BERT architecture, plays a pivotal role in tailoring personalized diet plans for our users. By harnessing the user's unique Prakriti classification, which provides invaluable insights into their digestive system, metabolism, and dietary preferences, the AI model crafts a dietary regimen that harmoniously aligns with Ayurvedic principles.

This personalized diet plan goes beyond mere food recommendations. It delves into specifics, including the types of foods to incorporate into one's diet, precise portion sizes, and meal timings. This level of detail ensures that the user's nutritional needs are met in a way that resonates with their constitution and wellness objectives.

With BERT architecture at the helm, our AI transformer model performs this intricate task with precision, leveraging its deep understanding of language and context to curate dietary guidance that is both comprehensive and tailored to the individual's well-being. This approach not only enhances the user's health but also fosters a deeper connection between the user and the Ayurvedic wisdom that underpins their dietary choices.


Seasonal Care:

Ayurveda recognizes that maintaining well-being requires adapting to the ever-changing seasons. The AI transformer model, which is employed for diet plan classification and other personalized recommendations, extends its capabilities to offer seasonal care guidance. Leveraging its understanding of the user's unique Prakriti, the model provides tailored advice to promote optimal health and vitality throughout the year. image