
Front end for the scoober-fe-challenge-starter

Primary LanguageTypeScript

JET Frontend Challenge




  • Note: The server side is a fork from the original repo which you can find at: osartun/scoober-fe-challenge-starter. It contains some bug fixes and an upgrade of socket.io.
  • Although I did make changes to the server side I focused on the client side / front end. For a production-ready app more time should be invested on the server side. For example:
    • To validate the inputs coming from the client
    • To test the game's logic
    • To do proper QA and fix the remaining bugs which I didn't invest time in fixing
  • Tech decisions
    • I used Gatsby for this application as I have lots of experience with it and therefore it was the fastest way for me to bootstrap a project like this. It included most of the required technologies out of the box.
    • I didn't spend time setting up a CSS pre / post processor (like Sass or something similar). So, I'm using native CSS but modularized through CSS modules.
    • In the interview it was said that using Redux as the state management tool was not mandatory. However, I considered it appropriate and used it nonetheless.
    • The test coverage is low as I focused on the parts that actually contained some logic


Server side

  1. Clone the server side fork from osartun/scoober-fe-challenge-starter
  2. Follow its setup commands (they haven't changed from those in the original repo)

Client side

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install the dependencies with npm install
  3. Make sure that the URLs in .env match the ones from the server side, edit them if necessary
  4. Create a build and serve it with npm run build && npm run serve. Alternatively, start a dev server with npm run develop
  5. Navigate to the URLs posted in the logs (http://localhost:9000/ or http://localhost:8000/)

Run tests

  1. Follow the Client side steps to set up the project. However, it's not mandatory to create a build or start the server for the tests to run
  2. Run npm run test