
This module does the heavy lifting for a Homey App that talks to any OAuth2 Web API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Homey OAuth2

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This module does the heavy lifting for a Homey App that talks to any OAuth2 Web API.

This module requires Homey Apps SDK v3.


Documentation is available at https://athombv.github.io/node-homey-oauth2app/.

Related Modules


$ npm install homey-oauth2app



In your /app.js, make your Homey.App extend OAuth2App:

const { OAuth2App } = require('homey-oauth2app');
const MyBrandOAuth2Client = require('./lib/MyBrandOAuth2Client');

module.exports = class MyBrandApp extends OAuth2App {

  static OAUTH2_CLIENT = MyBrandOAuth2Client; // Default: OAuth2Client
  static OAUTH2_DEBUG = true; // Default: false
  static OAUTH2_MULTI_SESSION = false; // Default: false
  static OAUTH2_DRIVERS = [ 'my_driver' ]; // Default: all drivers

  async onOAuth2Init() {
    // Do App logic here


API Client

Then create a file /lib/MyBrandOAuth2Client and make it extend OAuth2Client:

const { OAuth2Client, OAuth2Error } = require('homey-oauth2app');
const MyBrandOAuth2Token = require('./MyBrandOAuth2Token');

module.exports = class MyBrandOAuth2Client extends OAuth2Client {

  // Required:
  static API_URL = 'https://api.mybrand.com/v1';
  static TOKEN_URL = 'https://api.mybrand.com/oauth2/token';
  static AUTHORIZATION_URL = 'https://auth.mybrand.com';
  static SCOPES = [ 'my_scope' ];

  // Optional:
  static TOKEN = MyBrandOAuth2Token; // Default: OAuth2Token
  static REDIRECT_URL = 'https://callback.athom.com/oauth2/callback'; // Default: 'https://callback.athom.com/oauth2/callback'

  // Overload what needs to be overloaded here

  async onHandleNotOK({ body }) {
      throw new OAuth2Error(body.error);

  async getThings({ color }) {
    return this.get({
      path: '/things',
      query: { color },

  async updateThing({ id, thing }) {
    return this.put({
      path: `/thing/${id}`,
      json: { thing },


By default, OAuth2Client will work with any API that follows RFC 6749. In case your API differs, there are many methods you can overload to change the behavior.

All methods starting with on (for example onRequestError) are meant to be overloaded. Overloading any other method might break in the future, so be careful.


Add this to your /drivers/<driver_id>/driver.compose.json:

  "id": "my_driver",
  "pair": [
      "id": "login_oauth2",
      "template": "login_oauth2"
      "id": "list_devices",
      "template": "list_devices",
      "navigation": {
        "next": "add_devices"
      "id": "add_devices",
      "template": "add_devices"
  "repair": [
      "id": "login_oauth2",
      "template": "login_oauth2"

Your /drivers/<driver_id>/driver.js should look like this:

const { OAuth2Driver } = require('homey-oauth2app');

module.exports = class MyBrandDriver extends OAuth2Driver {

  async onOAuth2Init() {
    // Register Flow Cards etc.

  async onPairListDevices({ oAuth2Client }) {
    const things = await oAuth2Client.getThings({ color: 'red' });
    return things.map(thing => {
      return {
        name: thing.name,
        data: {
          id: thing.id,



Finally, your /drivers/<driver_id>/device.js should look like this:

const { OAuth2Device } = require('homey-oauth2app');

module.exports = class MyBrandDevice extends OAuth2Device {

  async onOAuth2Init() {
    await this.oAuth2Client.getThingState()
      .then(async state => {
        await this.setCapabilityValue('onoff', !!state.on);

  async onOAuth2Deleted() {
    // Clean up here
