
It is a full-stack blog web application built with React on the frontend and Django/DRF on the backend integrated with AWS-S3 & AWS-RDS services.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Demo
  3. Screenshots
  4. Architecture Overview
  5. API Documentation
  6. Frontend Component Tree Visualized
  7. ERD Visualized
  8. Installation and Usage


It is a full-stack blog web application built with React on the frontend and Django/DRF on the backend integrated with AWS-S3 & AWS-RDS services.


  • JWT authentication and authorization
  • Responsive layout
  • Users:
    • Users can:
      • Signup
      • Login
      • Logout
      • Update their email, password or profile picture
      • Delete their account
    • Currently loggedin user info is displayed on the home page
  • Blog posts:
    • Users can:
      • Create a post
      • Edit their post
      • Delete their post
      • Applaud a post i.e. like/unlike a post
      • Comment on the post
      • Delete their comment
      • Save/unsave a post to their reading list
      • Save their draft and come back later to publish it
    • Category-wise blogs filtering on the home page
      • the categories supported are arts, games, home, health, technology, recreation, business, society, sports, science
    • Pagination of blogs
    • Search functionality i.e. search a blog by its title
    • A rich text editor for writing a blog


Check the video demo at https://youtu.be/70gXH6j7XtQ


Architecture Overview

API Documentation

All the endpoints are listed below. However, to view the details of the endpoints, visit Chronicles Api Docs.

  • Users:

    • api/users/user/signup/ - POST
    • api/users/user/login/token/ - POST
    • api/users/user/login/token/refresh/ - POST
    • api/users/all/ - GET
    • api/users/user/ - GET, PUT, DELETE
  • Blogs:

    • api/blogs/blogpost/ - POST
    • api/blogs/all/ - GET
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/ - GET, PUT, DELETE
    • api/blogs/userblogs/ - GET
  • Comments:

    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/commentpost/ - POST
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/comments/all/ - GET
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/comment/{commentId}/ - PUT, DELETE
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/totalcomments/ - GET
  • Applauds:

    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/applaud/ - POST
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/applauder/exists/ - GET
  • Reading-list:

    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/readinglist/save/ - POST
    • api/blogs/readinglist/all/ - GET
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/reader/exists/ - GET

Frontend Component Tree Visualized

ERD Visualized

Installation and Usage


  • Requirements:
    • node >= 16.14.0
    • npm >= 8.3.1
    • python >= 3.8
    • pip >= 21.3.1
    • AWS account - if you want to use AWS
    • Setup variables in the backend\config.py file to encapsulate all your secret-keys related to AWS.
  • git clone https://github.com/AI-14/chronicles.git - clones the repository
  • cd chronicles

NOTE: If you want to use local machine for image uploads rather than AWS-S3, then remove all the configs in backend\core\settings.py under # AWS-S3. Then in backend\core\urls.py, add this line urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT). With this setting, images will be stored under backend\media\.

For frontend folder

  • Setup the project as per General sub-section
  • cd frontend
  • npm install or npm i - installs all packages
  • npm install --save-dev - installs devDependencies
  • npm start - starts the app

For backend folder

  • Setup the project as per General sub-section
  • cd backend
  • py -m venv yourVenvName - creates a virtual environment
  • yourVenvName\Scripts\activate.bat - activates the virtual environment
  • pip install -r requirements.txt - installs all modules
  • python manage.py makemigrations & python manage.py migrate - migrates all the tables to db
  • python manage.py createsuperuser - creates a superuser
  • python manage.py runserver - runs the server

NOTE: First run backend server (it will run on, then run frontend app (it will run on


You need to have make installed in your machine

  • Setup the project as per General sub-section
  • make build-backend - builds the backend
  • make build-frontend - builds the frontend
  • make run-backend - runs the backend
  • make run-frontend - runs the frontend (make sure you open another cmd to run this command)

NOTE: Use make help to see all the commands


You need to have Docker installed in your machine

  • Setup the project as per General sub-section
  • docker-compose build - build the images for both frontend and backend
  • docker-compose up - runs the containers

NOTE: To setup docker dev-env, include volumes in the docker-compose.yaml