Donut Shop

You'll be building a full stack application for a new company that creates and ships custom donuts.

The application MVP involves three primary features:

  • Listing all donuts
  • Creating a new custom donut with custom toppings
  • Adding donuts to a shopping cart and placing an order

The main objective is to:

Create a full stack CRUD application
that contains multiple, connected tables in a SQL database
and responds to AJAX requests from the React client

Getting Started

This full stack application is separated in to two folders - client and server.

  • Client directory instructions:

    • In terminal: npm install
    • Separate terminal window: npm build
    • Separate terminal window: npm start
  • Server directory instruction:

    • Install knex cli: npm install -g knex
    • Create a blank postgres database
    • Configure your 'knexfile.js'
    • In terminal, run each command: npm install, knex migrate:latest, knex seed:run
    • Separate terminal window: npm start


  • Server
    • Node / Express
    • Postgres DB
    • Knex Query Builder
  • Client
    • React


This solo sprint is a greenfield project but with technology decisions and specific user stories already made for you. Just like your future job!

You are encouraged to go beyond the initial MVP and add your own features and flair!

  1. Create an ERD with a tool like and include the image in your final repository

  2. Complete all user stories (see

  3. Let users add their own custom donut images

  4. Create your own custom feature that incorporates an external API.

  5. Refactor to use React Router.

  6. Add user accounts

  7. Take it to the next level. Your donut shop is starting to take off, users are demanding new an exciting features! Can you distrupt the donut the industry?

    • You could create a dashboard that shows the most popular donut toppings, most donuts sold, etc.
    • Add a voting feature to each donut
    • Add searching and filtering of donuts

Server Routes Overview

VERB PATH Description
GET api/donuts returns json of all donuts
POST api/donuts insert new donut to donuts table
GET api/toppings returns json of all toppings
POST api/toppings insert new topping to toppings table
POST api/orders insert new order to orders table, returns order number


You may use online resources. Here are some things you might want to reference: