
Another ML, a toy language loosely inspired by F# and Haskell

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AML is an in-progress toy language loosely inspired by ML family languages such as F# and Ocaml, with a little bit of Haskell and Lisp thrown in for good measure.

The main goals are:

  • To embrace a highly FP style
  • To have a minimum amount of syntax
  • To be highly readable
  • To have high type-safety
  • While still being highly powerful and versatile


Variable binding ==, :, `

a = 5

Let bindings are expressions that evaluate to the value they are assigned to

a = 5
|> to_string # "5"; also, `a` is bound to an integer 5

Type declaration :, `

When binding variables, a type declaration may be provided

a : Integer = 5

To mark a type parameter, simply prepend with a ` character:

my_function : `a -> String

Type Bounds

my_function : `a -> `b -> `c
    where `a is Orderable
    where `a is Functor
    where `b is Map
my_function = a -> b -> c

Cases |

Functions ->, ( )

Functions may only take in a single value and return a single value.

a -> b # takes an argument `a`, and returns the value contained in `b`

Function definitions can be chained

a -> b -> c
# evaluates to: (a -> (b -> (c)))

Functions are 1st class citizens, and can be bound to variables and passed around like any other value

return_42 = _ -> 42
forty_two = compose return_42 to_string
forty_two _ # forty_two is "42"

operationThatCanFail : ℤ -> ℤ -> Maybe<Float>
operationThatCanFail = a -> b -> a / b

Infix functions

To define an infix function, (ie, a function whose argument may be placed in front of the function call), place the name of the function in parenthesis:

(%) : ℤ -> ℤ -> Maybe<ℤ>
(%) = a -> b -> (a / b)
	>>= to_integer
	>>= (multiply b)
	>>= (subtract a)

6 % 3 # returns (Some 0)

As always, AML can automatically fill in the types

(+) = add # ℤ -> ℤ

Calling functions

To call a function, simply specify an argument after the function name:

# add_1 will add 1 to any integer
add_1 : ℤ -> ℤ

add_1 1
# 2

add_1 2
# 3

For infix functions, specify the arguments both before and after the function:

(%) : ℤ -> ℤ -> Maybe<ℤ>

6 % 3
# (Some 0)

Scopes and expressions ( )

AML is an expression-based language. This applies to function definitions as well:

call_and_add_two = callback -> 2 + (callback 1)

add_one = add 1 # Number -> Number
|> call_and_add_two # 4; add_one is passed to call_and_add_two

Note the lack of indentation in this example; this indicates to AML that we want to evaluate the second line as continuing at the same level as the first. This is equivalent to:

call_and_add_two = callback -> 2 + (callback 1)

(add_one = add 1) |> call_and_add_two # 4

To indicate that subsequent lines should be considered as part of the scope of the function definition, simply indent the subsequent lines:

add_two : ℤ -> ℤ
add_two = arg ->
	one = 1
	two = add one one

	two + arg

Grouping expressions ( )

Parenthesis may be used to group expressions

Structures {}, ,, as, ..., ., :, [], _

a = { b: 1, c: 2 }
{ b, c } = a   # b is 1, c is 2
{ b as d } = a # partial destructuring is allowed, and aliasing is available
from "Some/Module" import * as Name

Punning is allowed:

value -> { value } # `a -> Map<String, `a>

Tuples ()

a = (1, 2, 3)
(b, c) = a

Struct member accessor .

a = { b: { c: 42 } }

a.b.c # 42

Unit _

When specified as a function parameter, ignores this parameter.

When used in a destructuring operation, such as a case arm, ignores the destructured value.

When used in a guard expression, represents the default case.

Comments #

Comments immediately above modules and functions are interpreted as documentation comments.

Primitive values: ", `, 0, 0.0, {}, ()

Pattern matching: case, |, =>, with, ,


Importing modules

Importing everything from a module

from "Collections" import *

# All items from the System.Collections namespace, including `List` and
# `Sequence`, have been imported into the current namespace

List.new (1, 2, 3) |> List.to_sequence |> map (el -> el * 2)

Importing multiple items from a module Note: multi-item imports may span multiple lines

from "String" import { to_upper, to_lower }

"Hello, World!" |> to_upper # "HELLO, WORLD!"
"Hello, World!" |> to_lower # "hello, world!"

Aliasing imports

from "Collections/List" import { map as list_map }
from "Collections/Sequence" import { map as seq_map }


TODO: fill this out. Basically, Rust traits.


Borrowing some concepts from Haskell, AML has fully managed effects. Most noticeably, this means that most functions in the IO namespace don't immediately perform an operation, and instead return an IO<`a> computation which must be passed to the IO.run function in order to be executed.

For example, to write "Hello, World!" to stdout, you'd write:

IO.stdout "Hello, World!"
|> IO.run

IO<`a> has all of the usual FP goodies one would expect here, allowing users to bind, map, apply, and compose IO operations. To be more specific, IO<`a> is an Effect, AKA Monad. This makes creating IO pipelines a breeze:

prompt =
	IO.stdin "please input an integer: "
	|> map String.to_integer
	|> then
		| Ok (value) =>
			case value
			| n when (n % 2 is 0) => IO.stdout "Number is even\n"
			| n => IO.stdout "Number is odd\n"
		| _ =>
			IO.stderr "Invalid input, please try again.\n"

# IO has not actually occurred at this point, we've just created the
# computations to do so.

IO.run prompt # IO happens here

AML code conventions

Operator precedence

Precedence in AML is as follows:

  1. Grouped expressions are evaluated first
  2. Lines implicitly group all expressions on that line
  3. Infix functions implicitly create a group expression with their immediately left and right neighbor expressions
  4. Expressions are evaluated strictly left to right. Does not respect PEMDAS/BODMAS or other mathematical conventions.
  5. Functions are greedy and will attempt to take as many arguments as possible, taking into account the types of any following expressions.

Some examples:

  1. Grouped expressions

    # (1 + 2) * (3 + 4)
    # ------- | -------
    #       3 *       7
    #       -----------
    #                21
  2. Grouping by line

    # 1 +
    # 3 / 4
    # -----
    # (1 +) (3 / 4)
    # ----- -------
    # fn +1    0.75
    # -------------
    #          1.75
  3. Infix functions

    # pair 1  5 * 6
    # --------------
    # pair 1 (5 * 6)
    #    | | -------
    # pair 1 30
    # ---------
    # Pair(1, 30)
  4. Left to right evaluation

    # 2 + 4 * 3
    # ----- | |
    #     6 * 3
    #     -----
    #        18
    # 2.0 |> divide   4.0
    # -------------------
    # (2.0 |> divide) 4.0
    # ---------------   |
    # fn divide 2.0 $   |
    # ---------------   |
    # fn divide 2.0   4.0
    # -------------------
    #                 0.5
  5. Greedy evaluation

    do_things = f -> a -> b -> c -> (f (f (f a 1) b) c)
    # do_things multiply 1 2 3
    # ------------------------
    # f          -> a -> b -> c -> (f (f (f a 1) b) c)
    # multiply      1    2    3
    # --------------------------------------------
    # (multiply (multiply (multiply 1 1) 2) 3)
    #         |         | -------------- |  |
    #         | (multiply              1 2) |
    #         | --------------------------- |
    # (multiply                           2 3)
    # ----------------------------------------
    #                                        6


Type parameters should either be a single lowercase letter or a short descriptor in camelCase. For example, `a or `myParameter

Type names should be in PascalCase.

Variable and function names should be in snake_case.


Functions which return a Boolean value should end in a question mark for readability, e.g. is_int?, is_string?, and so on.