
payloads for P4wnP1 A.L.O.A

Primary LanguagePython

P4wnP1-A.L.O.A. Payloads

The scripts (for Windows and OSX), HIDScripts (for Windows) and RAW HID Attacks Scripts have been tested and verified. They've been adapted to integrate and work with my customized P4wnP1 Image. You'll find this repository pre-included in the root directory of the image. To ensure you have the latest version, execute a 'git pull' command once in a while.

If you plan to use this repository with a different image, be prepared to make the necessary adjustments to the scripts for compatibility.

You can get my custom P4wnP1 Kali Linux 2023.1 image for Raspberry Pi 0W from here or here

There are 2 versions of the image:

  1. P4wnP1-aloha-kali-linux-2023.1-raspberry-pi-zero-w-by-NightRang3r-1.1.0-lite.img.xz

Lite version means that the scripts in this repo are included but not installed or deployed. You will need to manually copy them to the correct directories and setup the triggers in the P4wnP1 UI.

  1. P4wnP1-aloha-kali-linux-2023.1-raspberry-pi-zero-w-by-NightRang3r-1.1.0.img.xz

Full version means that all of the Scripts, Raw HID scripts and most of the HID scripts in this repo are included, installed and configured. You can start use them right away.

Please notice that a 16GB SD card is required for the both versions of the image. The image is compressed with xz and you will need to use a tool like 7zip to extract it.

  • HID Scripts should be placed in /usr/local/P4wnP1/HIDScripts
  • Shell scripts should be places in /usr/local/P4wnP1/scripts
  • Loot directory will be created in: /usr/local/P4wnP1/www/loot and is accessible via browser at: http://172.XX.0.1:8000/loot/

You can find the usage and requirements information in the comments inside each file

P4wnP1 A.L.O.A - Kali Linux 2023.1 Image for Raspberry Pi 0W

Key Features

  • Boot Configuration: Updated boot.txt and config.txt for to support P4wnP1 functionality.
  • Included Tools:
    • Responder
    • Metasploit Framework
    • Impacket
    • Nmap
    • Aircrack-ng
    • MDK4
    • MSFPC
    • Python3-pymetasploit3
    • kali windows-binaries
    • raspi-config for easy filesystem expansion
    • python2
    • python3

Pre-installed Python3 Libraries

  • spidev
  • Pillow
  • luma.lcd
  • luma.core
  • luma.oled
  • RPi.GPIO

LCD/OLED Hat Support

  • LCD Menu: P4wnP1_ALOA_LCD_MENU - a modified version of this repository is included in the image in the root folder.
  • OLED Menu V2: P4wnP1_ALOA_OLED_MENU_V2 - a modified version of this repository is included in the image in the root folder, Adjustments may be needed for Python3.

You will need to initiate the install.sh script in the corresponding directory to install the lcd support.

Exclusive Payloads

Installation Guide

  1. Download: Grab the image file from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14XCb1sHFjzZa7OnzNZRt5AeTbEyZlZGf?usp=sharing or https://mega.nz/folder/UWgClaID#IlDFij3ckSTR4EqTlzDh_Q
  2. Flash: Use your preferred method to flash the image onto your Raspberry Pi 0W.
  3. Connect: Access the Pi via SSH in USB Gadget Mode or Wifi AP Mode.
    • USB Gadget Mode:
      • SSH:, Port: 22
      • Web UI:
    • Wifi AP Mode:
      • SSID: 💥🖥💥 Ⓟ➃ⓌⓃ🅟❶
      • SSH:, Port: 22
      • Web UI:
    • Credentials: root:toor, WiFi Key: MaMe82-P4wnP1
  4. Expand Filesystem: Run raspi-config --expand-rootfs and reboot to use the full SD card size.
  5. LCD/OLED Setup: If you have a hat, navigate to the corresponding directory (in /root) and run ./install.sh.
  6. Final Touch: Create a new trigger action when service starts to run a bash script and select: /usr/local/P4wnP1/scripts/runmenu.sh, save it to the startup template in the P4wnP1 UI.