
Collection of comments in various Programming Languages along withJokes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Comment-It ✍

Collection of comments in various Programming Languages, with dad jokes.

Lets aim to comment things in 100 languages 💕

Contributing 🤝

  1. Fork the repository if you haven't already

  2. Clone your fork locally 🙋‍♂

git clone https://github.com/athrvvvv/Comment-It.git

Replace "YOUR_USERNAME" with your GitHub username

  1. Create & Configure local branch 💁‍♂️
git branch local

Now switch to that branch via:

git checkout local
  1. Make changes and than run following command:
git add .
git commit -m "COMMIT_MESSAGE"
  1. Finally, push your changes to your fork 📫
git push origin local
  1. To submit your changes to the main project, you'll need to create a pull request. I will merge it accordingly 🙌

Thank you ❤