A Frontend Developer 💻
Currently learning Next JS & Solidity
Aspiring Full Stack Blockchain Dev
Focusing on #100DaysOfCode
Projects that I worked on:
- Audiophile - An E-commerce store for audio products like Headphones, Earphones and Speaker built with NextJS, Tailwind CSS, Redux and Firebase
- Send.io - A Decentralized application to send crypto from one account to another, built with NextJS, Tailwind CSS, Solidity, Hardhat and EtherJS.
- LinkedIn 2.0 - Clone of LinkedIn with ReactJS, Redux and Firebase
Project that I am currently working on:
- Groovy - An open-source music player built with NextJS, TailwindCSS, Material UI & Shazam API
- NFT MarketPlace - A DAPP for Buying and Selling NFTs, basically an Amazon of NFTs..built with NextJS, Solidity, Hardhat, EtherJS
- Complete guide on CSS Typography & Encoding
- What is Git and Github? And why is it so important?
- What is an Array ?
- Binary Search