
Whether you're managing server logs, application logs, or any other type of log data, this tool allows you to monitor logs continuously and receive notifications when specific error patterns are detected.

Primary LanguagePython

🚀 Real-time Log Monitoring and Error Detection 📊


This Python project provides a versatile and powerful solution for real-time log monitoring and error detection in log files. Whether you're managing server logs, application logs, or any other type of log data, this tool allows you to monitor logs continuously and receive notifications when specific error patterns are detected.

Key Features:

  • Real-time Log Monitoring: 🕒 The project uses the tailer library to monitor log files in real-time, ensuring that you stay up-to-date with the latest log entries.

  • Flexible Error Detection: 🕵️ Customize the error patterns you want to detect by providing a list of keywords or regular expressions that match your specific use case.

  • Email and Slack Notifications: 📧💬 When an error is detected, the tool can send email and Slack notifications to alert you or your team, allowing for rapid response to issues.

  • Configuration File: 📝 Configure email and Slack settings, log file paths, and error patterns via a JSON configuration file, making it easy to adapt the tool to your needs without modifying the code.

Table of Contents

Installation 🛠️

  1. Clone the Repository 📦

    git clone https://github.com/athy125/Realtime_Monitoring.git
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory 📂

    cd Realtime_Monitoring
  3. Install the required dependencies using pip ⚙️

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage 🚀

  1. Create a configuration file named config.json in the project directory. Use the provided config_example.json as a template and fill in your email and Slack credentials, log file paths, and error patterns.

  2. Run the main.py script to start real-time log monitoring and error detection:

    python main.py
  3. The tool will continuously monitor the specified log files and send notifications when it detects error patterns.

Configuration 🛠️

The config.json file allows you to customize the behavior of the log monitoring tool:

  • "sender_email": Your email address for sending email notifications.
  • "sender_password": Your email password (ensure security and consider using environment variables).
  • "smtp_server": The SMTP server address for your email provider.
  • "smtp_port": The SMTP server's port (587 for TLS, adjust based on your provider).
  • "slack_token": Your Slack API token for sending Slack notifications.
  • "log_file_path": The path to the log file you want to monitor.
  • "error_patterns": A list of error patterns (keywords or regular expressions) to detect in log entries.

Customization 🧰

  • Customize error patterns in the config.json file to match specific log patterns relevant to your application.

  • Extend the tool to support additional notification methods or integrate with other communication platforms.

Contributions 🤝

Contributions and enhancements to this project are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or new features, please fork the repository and submit pull requests to contribute to its development.

License 📄

This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.

Disclaimer 🚨

Please use this tool responsibly and ensure that you have appropriate permissions to access and monitor log files.