
Timy is a versatile and user-friendly messaging app designed to bring people together by organising events and fostering meaningful interactions.

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Timy app

An amazing open-source group messaging app build with flutter. ✨

Main Features

  • Multiple groups (similar to Teams in Slack).
  • Multiple open or private channels within groups.
  • Sharing of photos and photo collections.
  • React to messages with emoji.
  • Push-notifications for the message and channel updates.
  • Specific channels for events (e.g. containing date, venue).
  • Editing of event channels.
  • Calendar for all upcoming and past events aggregated over all groups and channels.
  • English and German localization.
  • RSVP for events.


Project Structure

This is a Flutter mobile app targeting Android and iOS.

The code for the Flutter app is contained in the folder lib and the different native apps are in android and ios. Extra project assets are in assets and fonts.

As well, this repo hosts a series of Firebase config files and cloud functions.

The documentation for Firebase part is inside the firebase folder.

Prerequisites & Getting Started


To build and run the mobile apps you’ll need to install Flutter and its dependencies. To verify your installation run in the project’s root directory:

$ flutter doctor

The app is optimised for Android and iOS phones in portrait mode.

IMPORTANT: The project only supports Flutter version 1.10.5, you will have to change your configuration to it. We cannot make sure that other Flutter versions will work.

$ flutter version 1.10.5

Note: Additionally you’ll need to setup the backend and add the GoogleService-Info of your Firebase app to your clients as described below.

Backend (Firebase)

The backend is build using Firebase’s node.js SDK. All files are provided in the firebase folder. To deploy the code create an app and install the firebase CLI (See steps 1 & 2 in Getting started).

Note: The following steps assume you’re using Firebases’ free Spark Plan. Therefore we’re performing the configuration manually.

B1. Setup sign-in method & adding users

An initial sign-in method needs to be configured.

Adding a user

Currently, users need to be added manually.

  • In firebase navigate to Authentication and select Users.
  • Then Add user.

Please copy the User-UID of the created user. We’ll need to add this ID to a group in the next step.

Note: You’ll need to have at least one user configured to use the app.

B2. Configure firebase app

Next, you’ll need to configure your firebase app for Flutter as described in Add Firebase to an App / Flutter


  • Enter iOS-Bundle-ID: de.janoodle.circlesApp.debug
  • Download and rename GoogleService-Info.plist to GoogleService-Info-Dev.plist.
  • Copy file to ios/Runner/Firebase.

NOTE: If you’re building for release you’ll additionally need to add a GoogleService-Info-Prod.plist pointing to your production Firebase app.


Follow the instructions in android/README.md.

B3. Create and setup database

In the firebase console select Database under Develop and create a Cloud Firestore Database. Setup database in test mode if you don't want to care about access permissions now.

At this point, you need to run and perform login once on the App, it will create a user document inside the users collection.

You will see an empty screen. To fix that, continue this setup. You may need to restart the app after the setup is done.

Create group collection

  • Select the database you’ve just created.
  • Create collection and name it groups.
  • Add your first group with the following properties:
name type value
abbreviation string TE
color string ffffff
members array User-UID we’ve retrieved in Adding a user above
name string test

We’ve now setup our first test group. In addition to this step, we’ll need to setup a default Channel (e.g. something similar to #general in Slack).

Add the new created Group id to the User document

  • Select the User you have now on your database.
  • Add a new field named joinedGroups and make it type Array
  • Add an entry in this array, with the value equal to the Group document id from Firestore.

Create channel sub-collection

  • In the groups collection select the newly created group.
  • Create collection within the group called channels.
  • Add your first channel with the following properties:
name type value
name string general
type string TOPIC
visibility string OPEN

Your Firestore database should look like this (with different ids)

screenshots screenshots screenshots screenshots

B4. Deploy firebase functions

Navigate to the firebase directory and deploy all functions using:

$ firebase deploy --only functions

Some features of the app can be used without Cloud Functions running, but some others will not work. We recommend you to perform this step to enjoy all features.

B5. Final steps

Login with the user you’ve created above.

Next create your first event to setup the calendar collection in our backend.

Create an event

  • In the app select the hamburger menu
  • Hit the + sign next to Events
  • Enter any data you like and hit Create

At the root level of your database you should now see a collection called calendar in your firebase console.

Now we’re ready to deploy all other parts of our backend using:

$ firebase deploy


The app is setup to work with a development and production environment. We suggest you create a different Firebase app for each environment.

When building for release the app will automatically use the production configuration that you’ve configured in step B3.


Timy aims to create a vibrant and dynamic community of individuals who share common interests and enjoy engaging in social events. Whether it's a small gathering or a large-scale event, this app provides the tools to make event planning, coordination, and participation seamless and enjoyable for everyone involved.