
Scripts accompanying manuscript on sequence and structural variation in the Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia)

Primary LanguageR

Scripts and data for "Chromosome-level assembly of the Atlantic silverside genome reveals extreme levels of sequence diversity and structural genetic variation"

Scripts accompanying manuscript on sequence and structural variation in the Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia)

Genome assembly with 10X data

supernova run --id supernova_run_output_270mreads --fastqs /workdir/chromium/H7NF5BCX2_10388115_supernova_mkfastq_output_24Jan2018/outs/fastq_path/ --maxreads 270000000
supernova mkoutput --asmdir supernova_run_output_270mreads/outs/assembly --outprefix meme_270mreads_1_pseudohap --style pseudohap

Minor fixes to Dovetail Genome

Filter scaffolds smaller than 1000 bp

python /workdir/Menidia_Genome/newassembly_at/scripts_assembly/filter_scaffolds.py 500 menidia_menidia_30Jul2018_eLAsD.fasta 
python /workdir/Menidia_Genome/newassembly_at/scripts_assembly/filter_scaffolds.py 1000 menidia_menidia_30Jul2018_eLAsD.fasta 

Sort by length (from longest to shortest)

seqkit sort -l -r menidia_menidia_30Jul2018_eLAsD.filter1000.fasta > menidia_menidia_30Jul2018_eLAsD_sorted.filter1000.fasta

Rename scaffolds

awk '/^>/{print ">" ++i; next}{print}' < menidia_menidia_30Jul2018_eLAsD_sorted.filter1000.fasta > menidia_menidia_tidy.filter1000.fasta

Reduce genome to longest 27 scaffolds

cd /workdir/anna/dovetail
samtools faidx menidia_menidia_tidy.filter1000.fasta {1..27} > menidia_menidia_1-27.fasta


Assessment of completeness of each of the intermediate and final assemblies

python /workdir/anna/busco/scripts/run_BUSCO.py -i /workdir/anna/dovetail/menidia_menidia_1-27.fasta -o busco_dovetail_actino -l /workdir/anna/busco/actinopterygii_odb9 -m genome 
python /workdir/anna/busco/scripts/run_BUSCO.py -i /workdir/anna/dovetail/menidia_menidia_tidy.filter1000.fasta -o busco_dovetail_actino -l /workdir/anna/busco/actinopterygii_odb9 -m genome
python /workdir/anna/busco/scripts/run_BUSCO.py -i /workdir/anna/dovetail/menidia_menidia_26Jul2018_hZUSG.fasta -o busco_dovetail_chicago_actino -l /workdir/anna/busco/actinopterygii_odb9 -m genome
python /workdir/anna/busco/scripts/run_BUSCO.py -i /workdir/anna/dovetail/menidia_menidia_30Jul2018_eLAsD.fasta -o busco_dovetail_hic_actino -l /workdir/anna/busco/actinopterygii_odb9 -m genome
python /workdir/anna/busco/scripts/run_BUSCO.py -i /workdir/anna/chromium/meme270m500.fasta -o busco_10x_actino -l /workdir/anna/busco/actinopterygii_odb9 -m genome

K-mer analysis on 10x data from Georgia

Pre-process 10x data

longranger basic \
    --id=meme_10xreads \
    --fastqs=/workdir/anna/chromium/H7NF5BCX2_10388115_supernova_mkfastq_output_24Jan2018/outs/fastq_path/Project_9189_10561/Sample_65612_H7NF5BCX2_MEME1/decompressed \
    --localcores 24 

Deinterleave fastq data

/workdir/anna/scripts/deinterleave_fastq.sh < barcoded.fastq barcoded1.fastq barcoded2.fastq

Cut all reads to the same length

cd /workdir/anna/chromium/10x_reads_basic
cutadapt -l 129 -o barcoded_trimmed1.fastq -p barcoded_trimmed2.fastq /workdir/anna/chromium/10x_reads_basic/meme_10xreads/outs/barcoded1.fastq /workdir/anna/chromium/10x_reads_basic/meme_10xreads/outs/barcoded2.fastq

Run Jellyfish

cd /workdir/anna/chromium/10x_reads_basic
cutadapt -l 129 -o barcoded_trimmed1.fastq -p barcoded_trimmed2.fastq /workdir/anna/chromium/10x_reads_basic/meme_10xreads/outs/barcoded1.fastq /workdir/anna/chromium/10x_reads_basic/meme_10xreads/outs/barcoded2.fastq

K-mer analysis on shotgun data from Connecticut

Run Jellyfish

jellyfish count -t 12 -C -m 25 -s 5G -o meme_25mer menidia_R*.fastq
jellyfish histo -o meme_25mer.histo meme_25mer

Synteny with medaka

Create database for medaka genome

lastdb -P12 -uMAM8 -cR11 medakadb medaka_assembly.fasta

Align Atlantic silverside scaffolds to medaka reference genome

lastal -P12 -m100 -E0.05 medakadb /workdir/anna/dovetail/menidia_menidia_tidy.filter1000.fasta | last-split -m1 > last_meme2medaka.maf

Alignments were plotted using CIRCA http://omgenomics.com/circa/

Variant calling for direct estimates of heterozygosity

Align 10X data from Georgia to Georgia reference genome

bwa mem -t 12 menidia_menidia_1-27.fasta \
/workdir/anna/chromium/10x_reads_basic/barcoded_trimmed1.fastq \
/workdir/anna/chromium/10x_reads_basic/barcoded_trimmed2.fastq \
| samblaster --removeDups | samtools view -h -b -F 4 -@6 - | samtools sort -o 10x2dovetail_1-27.bam

Align shotgun data from Connecticut to Georgia reference genome

### Note that raw data from this library were adapter and quality trimmed before mapping
bwa mem -t 12 menidia_menidia_1-27.fasta \
/workdir/Menidia_Genome/newassembly_at/menidia_trimmed_q30_R1.fq \
/workdir/Menidia_Genome/newassembly_at/menidia_trimmed_q30_R2.fq \
| samblaster --removeDups | samtools view -h -b -F 4 -@6 - | samtools sort -o shotgun2dovetail_1-27.bam

Estimate genome coverage for each dataset for downstream variant filtering

genomeCoverageBed -ibam 10x2dovetail_1-27.bam -max 300 > coverage_10x2dovetail.txt ###13865250 had no coverage, should be removed from heterozygosity calculations
genomeCoverageBed -ibam shotgun2dovetail_1-27.bam -max 300 > coverage_shotgun2dovetail.txt

Call variants from 10X data from Georgia

bcftools mpileup -Ou --threads 12 -f menidia_menidia_1-27.fasta 10x2dovetail_1-27.bam | \
    bcftools call -Ou -mv --threads 12| \
    bcftools filter --threads 12 -s LowQual -e '%QUAL<20 || DP>190' > 10x2dovetail_1-27.vcf

Call variants from shotgun data from Connecticut

bcftools mpileup -Ou --threads 12 -f menidia_menidia_1-27.fasta shotgun2dovetail_1-27.bam | \
    bcftools call -Ou -mv --threads 12| \
    bcftools filter --threads 12 -s LowQual -e '%QUAL<20 || DP>148' > shotgun2dovetail_1-27.vcf 

Second round of filtering for low qual, DP < 20, and homozygous sites

bcftools filter --threads 12 -e'DP<20 || FILTER="LowQual"' shotgun2dovetail_1-27.vcf > shotgun2dovetail_1-27_filt.vcf 
###to select only SNPs
bcftools view -v snps shotgun2dovetail_1-27_filt.vcf > shotgun2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp.vcf
###to retain only heterozygous sites
bcftools view -g het shotgun2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp.vcf > shotgun2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp_het.vcf

To calculate heterozygosity, we divided the number of heterozygous sites surviving the filters by the total number of bases that had depth of coverage between 20 and twice the mode the sequencing depth for each library

shotgun Connecticut --> 422616334 --> 6160030/422616334 = 0.01458 --> 1.46%
10x Georgia --> 439762099 --> 5823111/439762099 = 0.01324 --> 1.32%

Estimate heterozygity in coding regions only

Heterozygosity coding vs. non-coding

grep "CDS" mme_annotation_draftgenome_clean.noseq.gff > mme_annotation_CDS.gff 
sort -k1,1n -k4,4n mme_annotation_CDS.gff
awk '{if($1 < 28){print}}' mme_annotation_CDS.gff | sort -k1,1n -k4,4n > mme_annotation_CDS_1-27.gff
bedtools map -a mme_annotation_CDS_1-27.gff -b ../dovetail/10x2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp_het.vcf -o count > 10x2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp_het_CDS_1-27.txt
Number of variants in CDS is sum of last column in 10x2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp_het_CDS_1-27.txt
awk '{SUM+=$10}END{print SUM}' 10x2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp_het_CDS_1-27.txt ###236098 variant sites in CDS

#Heterozygosity 0.679% Georgia

bedtools map -a mme_annotation_CDS_1-27.gff -b ../dovetail/shotgun2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp_het.vcf -o count > shotgun2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp_het_CDS_1-27.txt
Number of variants in CDS is sum of last column in 10x2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp_het_CDS_1-27.txt
awk '{SUM+=$10}END{print SUM}' shotgun2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp_het_CDS_1-27.txt ###243376 variant sites in CDS

#Heterozygosity 0.700% Connecticut

Structural variant calling

Call structural variants with Delly2 from shotgun data from Connecticut

samtools index shotgun2dovetail_1-27.bam
delly call -g menidia_menidia_1-27.fasta -o SV_shotgun.bcf shotgun2dovetail_1-27.bam
bcftools view SV_shotgun.bcf > SV_shotgun.vcf

Filter low quality calls

grep -v "LowQual" SV_shotgun.vcf > SV_shotgun_hiq.vcf

Further filtering was done in Excel and combined with SVs merging, for each SV type separately, to collaps redundant calls

bedtools merge -i ins_20-100.bed > ins_20-100_reduced.bed
bedtools merge -i del_20-100.bed > del_20-100_reduced.bed
bedtools merge -i dup_20-100.bed > dup_20-100_reduced.bed

Manhattan plot for levels of heterozygosity in each of the two genomes from Connecticut and Georgia

Calculate number of variants in each window

cd /workdir/anna/dovetail
### Make 50-kb sliding windows
bedtools makewindows -g menidia_menidia_tidy.filter1000.fasta.fai -w 50000 | awk '$3 ~ /0000$/' | sed 's/ /\t/g' > genome_windows_50k_4GC.bed
### Count heterozygous sites for each window
bedtools map -a genome_windows_50k_4GC.bed -b 10x2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp_het.vcf -o count > 10x_variants_windows.txt
bedtools map -a genome_windows_50k_4GC.bed -b shotgun2dovetail_1-27_filt_snp_het.vcf -o count > shotgun_variants_windows.txt

To plot heterozygosity in 50-kb windows along the genome see R script manhattan_plot_heterozygosity.R

Scipts to estimate divergence between the Connecticut and the Georgia genomes

nucmer --maxgap 2000 -p mummerCT2GA --mincluster 1000 menidia_menidia_chronly.fa menidia_q30_gapClosed.filter500.fa
delta-filter -g -l 10000 mummerCT2GA.delta > mummerCT2GA.filter10k.delta
show-coords -B mummerCT2GA.filter10k.delta > mummerCT2GA.filter10k.tab_tmp
cut -f 1,6,7,8,9,10,12,13 mummerCT2GA.filter10k.tab_tmp | awk '$7 > 50' | awk '$9=$4-$3+1' | sed -e 's/ /\t/g' - | ( echo -e "CHR2\tCHR1\tS2\tE2\tS1\tE1\tIDY\tLEN2\tLEN1"; cat - ) > mummerCT2GA.filter10k.tab

To plot divergence along the genome see R script manhattan_plot_divergence.R