
TJS - DOM işlemleri için kolaylık sağlayan bir kütüphanedir.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a tiny library for creating HTML elements in a declarative way. It's only 1.5kb minified and gzipped. Bu bir mini html element oluşturma kütüphanesidir. Sadece 1.5kb minified ve gzipped.

Metodlar Türkçe olarak yazılmıştır. Methods are written in Turkish.

TQ Library Documentation

Table of Contents


TQ is a library that provides convenience for DOM operations. It simplifies working with DOM elements by offering a set of helper methods.


The TQ library can be used by including the script file in your HTML file:

<script src="path/to/tquery.min.js"></script>


To use the TQ library, create an instance of the TQ class and call the available methods on the instance. Here's an example:

// Create an instance of TQ
const tq = new TQ();

// Example usage of TQ methods
const element = tq.bul('#myElement');
const newElement = tq.olustur('div', { class: 'new-element' }, 'New Element');
tq.ekle('#parentElement', newElement);
tq.olayEkle(element, 'click', handleClick);
tq.OznitelikGuncelle('#myElement', { class: 'new-class' });
const value = tq.OznitelikOku('#myElement', 'data-value');
const childElements = tq.AltElemanlariGetir('#parentElement');
tq.IcerikGuncelle('#myElement', 'New content');
const content = tq.IcerikOku('#myElement');
tq.ElementDegistir('#oldElement', newElement);
const copiedElement = tq.ElementKopyala('#sourceElement');
const convertedElement = tq.HTMLElDonustur('<div>HTML string</div>');

API Reference


Creates an instance of the TQ class.



Finds and returns the first element that matches the specified selector.


olustur(tag, features, content)

Creates a new element with the specified tag, features and content.

olustur(tag, features, content)

ekle(parentElement, childElement)

Adds the specified child element to the specified parent element.

ekle(parentElement, childElement)

olayEkle(element, event, handler)

Adds an event listener to the specified element.

olayEkle(element, event, handler)


Removes the specified element from the DOM.


OznitelikGuncelle(selector, attributes)

Updates the specified element's attributes with the specified values.

OznitelikGuncelle(selector, attributes)

OznitelikOku(selector, attribute)

Returns the value of the specified attribute of the specified element.

OznitelikOku(selector, attribute)


Returns the child elements of the specified element.


IcerikGuncelle(selector, content)

Updates the content of the specified element.

IcerikGuncelle(selector, content)

ElementDegistir(selector, newElement)

Replaces the specified element with the specified new element.

ElementDegistir(selector, newElement)


Returns a copy of the specified element.



Converts the specified HTML string to an element.



Feel free to contribute to the project by creating a pull request.


Free software: GNU General Public License v3.0

Example / Örnek

let $ = new TQ()

let container = $.olustur('div', {id: 'container', class: 'container'}, 'Hello World!')

let button = $.olustur('button', {id: 'button', class: 'button'}, 'Click Me!')

$.ekle('#container', button)

$.olayEkle('#button', 'click', () => {

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <script src="tquery.min.js"></script>
  <div id="kok"></div>
  <script src="./app.js"></script>