
Simple but effective arduino circuit to count people at doors for data collection and energy automation.

Primary LanguageC++

EEE project: Smarter Doors Smarter Rooms


Project Overview

According to student observations, energy is used unnecessarily upon buildings whose population change dramatically from dat to night. In order to make energy plannings according to the usage of common areas and also automating the built in systems, I cam up with the solution to install simple but effective arduino circuits to doors and solve couple of issues at the same time without disturbing people's daily routines. One is automating the build in building systems; other one is to collect data of usage for further plans and last but not least possible instanteneous monitor of rooms will help identify where people are located in case of emergency.

Project Video


Under the hood:

Possible cases occuring in our daily lives: (Two horizontal lines representing two ultrasound sensors used)


State Diagram used to identify and solve these cases:

Project Supported by

Built With


  • Mert Atila Sakaogullari