Apartopolis is an Android mobile application which will provide to site administrators easiness of management and minimize the work that they do. The management of residents for site administrator can be time-consuming and it has some issues like difficulty of job tracking. On the other hand, site residents sometimes may be out of apartment or out of town, they must contact with site administrator when they have some problems about apartment, they have some difficulty in following the events in the apartment and they may not attend the meetings, therefore they cannot vote about decisions will be made related with the apartment or site.

yeni_toplantı yeni_servisler yeni_onay_bekleyenler

Built With 🛠

  • Kotlin - Official programming language for Android development
  • Coroutines - Concurrency design pattern to simplify code that executes asynchronously
  • Android Jetpack
    • ViewModel - Stores and manages UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way
    • LiveData - Observable data holder class
    • Navigation - Navigation refers to the interactions that allow users to navigate across, into, and back out from the different pieces of content within your app
    • DataBinding - Allows us to bind UI component in layouts to data sources in our apps using a declarative format
    • RecyclerView - Efficiently displays large sets of data
  • Material Design Components
  • Firebase Firestore - Stores users' data
  • Firebase Storage - Stores users' media files
  • OneSignal - Sends push notifications
  • Picasso - A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android


This application uses MVVM (Model View View-Model) architecture.