
Primary LanguageSwift


There are three examples of my code:

  1. With architectural approach and clean code
  2. Regarding to one screen task with the KISS principle
  3. Just a task written on Objective-C


The app must download and update rates every 1 second using API. List all currencies you get from the endpoint (one per row). Each row has an input where you can enter any amount of money. When you tap on currency row it should slide to top and its input becomes first responder. When you’re changing the amount the app must simultaneously update the corresponding value for other currencies. Use swift programming language and any libraries you want. UI does not have to be exactly the same, it’s up to you. Unit tests must be included. Don’t use Rx. Video demo

Tech stack:

  • DataDriven pattern for working with views
  • SwiftGen for recources
  • Plain URLSession for networking
  • DI pattern for dependencies
  • DispatchSourceTimer for Sceduling
  • Redux (ReSwift) + SOA acrhitecture pattern as base


I completely understand that Redux is some kind of overengineering for this task. However, I wanted this test to be a demonstration of abilities and not just the simplest solution for the app that only contains one screen. I've never used Redux before, but I've been working with RxFeedbackLoop. And I have decided to try it for this test. I could say that unidirectional flow helped me with this test because the app has a lot of different events, which are mutating the state.