GIT, Azure Devops and Terraform Training

Azure Devops

  • Repositories
  • Code management
  • Git vs Git Hub
  • Create Environment
  • Create Code repository
  • Create Pull requests
  • Resolving Conflicts
  • Commit changes to code
  • Work locally with code
  • Clean up Repos
  • Pipelines
  • Build Pipelines
  • Release Pipelines
  • Start Devops CI CD pipeline
  • Yaml script to automate deployment
  • Azure Deployment from IDE
  • Library + Varialbles
  • ARM Template
  • Artifacts
  • Testplan


  • Introduction to Infrastructure as Code with Terraform
  • Install Terraform
  • Introduction to the HasiCorp Configuration Language
  • How to use variables in terraform, and what datatypes can be used.
  • The basic terraform commands you need to know to get started
  • Understanding Terraform Basics
  • Terraform Provisioner
  • Terrafrom CLI
  • Terraform Workflow
  • Read, generate and modify configuration (input variables)
  • Read, generate and modify configuration (output variables +locals)
  • Introduction to Terraform with Azure
  • An introduction to terraform with Azure specifically
  • The Resource Manager
  • The Azure Resource Manager explained
  • Virtual Networks - How to use virtual networks in Azure
  • Virtual Machines
  • Network Security Groups
  • Introduction to Terraform remote state
  • Introduction to Conditionals
  • Introduction to Functions
  • For and Foreach Loops