
web app activity logger for quantified self data logging

Primary LanguagePHP


Author: Ed Hunsinger

Biologger is intended to be a simple to use life logging tool for quantified self sort of tracking. It's being designed primarily for my own use, but may be useful for others.

My goals:

  • Should be easy and quick to use on an iPhone.
  • User interface is bare bones for data input.
  • Does not provide any analysis of data, merely records it.
  • Logs to text files that are consumable by Splunk Storm.

This does use iWebKit, which should be placed in /iwebkit (or appropriate files should be updated with the correct path). iWebKit is available here: http://snippetspace.com/portfolio/iwebkit/

Please note: Security is not implemented in this on purpose for ease of use. Security is up to the user if this is used on a publicly available server