
AmoCRM Rails plugin

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


AmoCRM client


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'amorail'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install amorail


With Amorail you can manipulate the following AmoCRM entities: Companies, Contacts, Leads and Tasks. We're triying to build simple AR-like interface.

Auth configuration

Amorail uses anyway_config for configuration, so you can provide configuration parameters through env vars, seperate config file (config/amorail.yml) or secrets.yml.

Required params: usermail, api_key and api_endpoint.


# config/secrets.yml
    usermail: 'amorail@test.com'
    api_key: '75742b166417fe32ae132282ce178cf6'
    api_endpoint: 'https://test.amocrm.ru'

Running from console

You can try amorail in action from console (PRY is required to be installed):

# amorail gem directory
AMORAIL_USERMAIL=my_mail@test.com AMORAIL_API_KEY=my_key AMORAIL_API_ENDPOINT=my@amo.com bundle exec rake console
pry> Amorail.properties
# ... prints properties (custom_fields) data
pry> Amorail::Contact.find_by_query("test_contact")
# ... returns array of contacts which satisfy the query  

Create new objects

Create Leads

lead = Amorail::Lead.new(
  name:  "Example Lead",
  tags: "IT, Sales",
  price: 100,
  status_id: Amorail.properties.leads.statuses[


Create Company

company = Amorail::Company.new(
  name: "My company",
  phone: "222-111",
  email: "human@example.com"
company.linked_leads_id << lead.id

Create Contact

contact = Amorail::Contact.new(
  name: "Ivan Ivanov",
  linked_company_id: company.id,
  phone: "111-222",
  email: "ivan@example.com"

contact.linked_leads_id << lead.id

Create Task

task = Amorail::Task.new(
  text: "Example task",
  lead: true,
  complete_till: Time.zone.today.end_of_day,
  task_type: Amorail.properties.tasks[Rails.application.secrets.amoparams['task_code']].id

# set up lead id
task.element_id = lead.id
# and save it

You can find any object by id:


Or using query:


Also you can update objects, e.g:

company = Amorail::Company.find(company_id)
contact = Amorail::Contact.find(contact_id)

# like this
contact.linked_company_id = company.id

# or

contact.update(linked_company_id: company.id)


Load by id

Amorail::Contact.find(223) #=> #<Amorail::Contact ...>

Load many entites by array of ids

Amorail::Contact.find_all(123, 124) #=> [#<Amorail::Contact ...>, ...]

Load by query

Amorail::Contact.find_by_query("my_company") #=> [#<Amorail::Contact ...>, ...]

Load contacts associated with lead

lead = Amorail::Lead.find(1)
lead.contacts #=> [#<Amorail::Contact ...>, ...]

Load company associated with contact

contact = Amorail::Contact.find(1)
contact.company #=> #<Amorail::Company ...>

Load leads associated with contact

contact = Amorail::Contact.find(1)
contact.leads #=> [#<Amorail::Lead ...>, ...]

Load contacts-leads pairs

# Load all contact-leads pairs for contacts
Amorail::ContactLink.find_by_contacts(1, 2)

# Load all contact-leads pairs for leads
Amorail::ContactLink.find_by_leads(1, 2)

Properties Configuration

AmoCRM is using "custom_fields" architecture, to get all information for your account, you can find properties and set up configuration manually in config/secrets.yml.

Note: response example in official documentation: https://developers.amocrm.ru/rest_api/accounts_current.php

  1. Get list of properties for your account
rake amorail:check

Rake task will returns information about properties.

Multiple configurations

It is possible to use Amorail with multiple AmoCRM accounts. To do so use Amorail.with_client method, which receive client params or client instance and a block to execute within custom context:

Amorail.with_client(usermail: "custom@mail.com", api_endpoint: "https://my.acmocrm.ru", api_key: "my_secret_key") do
  # Client specific code here

# or using client instance
my_client = Amorail::Client.new(usermail: "custom@mail.com", api_endpoint: "https://my.acmocrm.ru", api_key: "my_secret_key")

Amorail.with_client(client) do


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/amorail/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Follow style guides (use Rubocop)
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request