
Easy Git: a Git Utility; let's make version control easier; this is the C# version, to be deprecated in favor of Kotlin.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Git Utility

Git Utility to handle multiple git accounts. A utility to automate some of the commonly used Git Actions.

For example, to push changes to a git repository, this is a common sequence of commands,

git add --update
git commit --file commit_log.txt
git push origin BRANCH_NAME

This utility does all of that when we run,

GitUtility push mod

The tool requires an initial json config file to start with. The path of config file is: %LOCALAPPDATA%\GitUtilConfig.json

Example json config,

    "github.com/USER_NAME_1": {
        "GithubToken": "ghp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "FullName": "First Last",
        "Email": "user@github.com",
        "CommitLogFilePath": "D:\\code\\commit_log_user1.txt",
        "IsDefault": "True"
    "bitbucket.com/USER_NAME_2": {
        "Password": "YOUR_PASS_2",
        "Dirs": [
        "FullName": "First Last",
        "Email": "user2@bitbucket.com",
        "CommitLogFilePath": "D:\\code\\commit_log_user2.txt"
    "localhost/USER_NAME_3": {
        "Password": "YOUR_PASS_3",
        "Dirs": [
        "FullName": "First Last",
        "Email": "user3@corp.com",
        "CommitLogFilePath": "D:\\code\\commit_log_use3.txt"

CLA Examples
CLA Design follows POSIX style arguments.


GitUtility info
GitUtility push mod
GitUtility pull
GitUtility push mod --amend

Above commands assume we are inside the git repo directory.

To run while being outside of the repo dir, we have,

GitUtility --repo-path D:\CoolApp info

Or, to specify an input json config file path,

GitUtility --config-file-path D:\Workspace\Config.json info

If it's not provided, default path is: $Env:LOCALAPPDATA\GitUtilConfig.json.

push mod only pushes modified files.

Info / Status related arguments

Show basic information about the repository,

GitUtility --repo-path D:\CoolApp info

Show modified files that will be added to next push mod command,

GitUtility --repo-path D:\CoolApp stat

Please visit the design wiki for command line arguments (in reference section) to know more about the arguments.

To add a single file to commit and to push it to remote,

GitUtility push single relative_file_path

Argument push single also supports --amend to overwrite the previous commit.

To add all files and to push,

GitUtility push all

push all supports --amend which allows modifying/ammending the last commit and pushing to remote.

Remote URL examples Set remote origin,

GitUtility set-url https://github.com/repo/project.git

Set remote upstream (useful when you are only pulling changes from an upstream source, but pushing to your own repository),

GitUtility set-url https://github.com/repo/project.git --upstream

Pull Examples

Pull from remote upstream (set upstream before running this using example in previous section),

GitUtility pull --upstream

To pull from origin,

GitUtility pull

For help on CLA try,

GitUtility help
