
"Nothing At Stake Coin" implementation

Primary LanguageScala

Nothing At Stake Coin

  • Master: Build Status
  • Develop: Build Status


This is a simple cryptocurrency test using Scorex platform.

It's based on Peercoin, with the following considerations:

  • No POW was implemented but the formulas to calculate coin age are used in order to validate tranactions (mint)
  • The app keeps N best chains and minter process tries to create blocks for all of them
  • BTC like blocks (transactions with inputs and outputs)

The following simplifications were made:

  • Kernel hash creation nor check was developed, which is used to ensure you have more chances to create a block if you are using older stakes 1
  • We didn't include the following peercoin rule "A transaction that just staked has its coins locked for 520 confirmations (3-4 days)." 2
  • We haven't included a Merkle tree in the block structure
  • Most of the structures we used (for example to store the blocks) are in-memory.
  • We created a super simple wallet with a single address / secret.
  • Miner cannot be stopped nor coins be reserved (preventing the minter to grab them)
  • A corner case in the block appending and removal from the blockchain was detected but not currently solved. The blockchain could be in a non consistent way if any of the outputs in the transactions of a block being removed was used as an input in the transactions of another block that will not be deleted (both blocks belong to different branches of the blockchain).

How to run


Besides Scorex configuration defined in a settings.json file, the following parameters can be set for NothingAtStakeCoin inside nothingAtStakeCoin object (refer to settings.json file in this repo to see an example)

Key Description
transactionsPerBlock Number of transactions to be included in a block
createGenesisBlock Boolean value to switch the genesis block creation
genesisTransactions Transactions to be created when creating the initial state
genesisTransactionAmount Transaction amount that will be included in the genesis state
minStakeMinutes Minimum time (in minutes) an output needs to be unspent in order to be used in minting process
maxStakeMinutes Maximum time (in minutes) used to calculate block coinage.
numberOfBestChains Number of best chains to keep in history in order to contribute to

Starting up

The easiest way to run the app is using sbt. Once installed, go to project root and run

sbt "run-main scorex.nothingAtStakeCoin.NothingAtStakeCoin ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_SETTINGS_JSON"

Please configure just one node with the option createGenesisBlock, if not, consensus won't be reached

Playing with the app

Provided by scorex, this app allows Rest API endpoint if configured in settings.json. Then, after accessing to localhost:$rpcPort you will be able to execute several commands against the app.

  1. GET /nodeView/openSurface will return the bestNChains
  2. GET /nodeView/persistentModifier/{id} will allow you to see all the blocks by id
  3. GET /wallet will return your wallet address
  4. POST /payment will allow you to send coins (if you have them) to another address(es)


In order to run tests, use sbt tool and run the following command:

sbt test


There is already a configuration for scalastyle, to run it:

sbt scalastyle