Star Wars Planets API

This project is a minimal API developed in C# that interacts with the Star Wars API (SWAPI) and allows users to manage a list of their favourite Star Wars planets. Completed the project in 2 hours, so the result is alot more simpler.


  1. GET a list of Planets from the SWAPI API: The API fetches and displays a list of all Star Wars planets available in the SWAPI.

  2. GET a list of favourite Planets: Users can view a list of their favourite Star Wars planets.

  3. POST a favourite Planet: Users can add a planet to their list of favourites. Each planet can only be favourited once.

  4. DELETE a favourite planet: Users can remove a planet from their list of favourites.


This API is developed using C# and ASP.NET Core. The data is stored in an in-memory Entity Framework database.


For a detailed guide on how to develop a minimal API using ASP.NET Core, refer to this tutorial.


To use the API, send HTTP requests to the appropriate endpoints with the required parameters. The API will respond with the requested data, or a status message indicating the success or failure of the operation.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.