
Convert shadowsocks to http proxy using docker.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Convert shadowsocks to http proxy using docker.


For docker image, using alpine, the final image is around 16MB.

For shadowsorks client, using shadowsocks-rust-sslocal, which could be directly add via apk add shadowsocks-rust-sslocal in alpine.

The limit is, this sslocal only support these encryption methods now: plain, none, aes-128-gcm, aes-256-gcm, chacha20-ietf-poly1305, 2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm, 2022-blake3-aes-256-gcm, 2022-blake3-chacha20-poly1305.

For http proxy, using Privoxy.

The Dockerfile is very simple:

FROM alpine

RUN apk add shadowsocks-rust-sslocal privoxy

COPY ./data/* /root/

ENTRYPOINT /bin/sh /root/start.sh

How to Run?

Copy the conf files, edit the ss server info.

cd ./data
cp privoxy.conf.demo privoxy.conf
cp sslocal.conf.demo sslocal.conf
vi privoxy.conf
vi sslocal.conf

Build and run the docker.

docker build -t docker-ss-proxy:v1 .
docker run -id -p 1080:1080 docker-ss-proxy:v1

That's it.

BTW, if you want to using the socks proxy, just open the port in -p.

How to Verify?

Using the follow methond to get the ip, verify it's your ss server's ip or not.

curl -x localhost:1080 https://api64.ipify.org