
Dudukin - Backend (ExpressJS, MongoDB)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

REST-API Duduk.in

Using: ExpressJS, MongoDB, JWT Authentication


sudo service mongod start
npm install
npm start

Access : http://localhost:8081/api

List of routes

  • Auth
Route HTTP Method Description Required Field
/api/login POST User login email,password
/api/register POST User register email,password default role : user
  • User
Route HTTP Method Description Required Field
/api/users/getAllUser GET Get all the users -
/api/users/find/key/value GET Find with key and value parameters -
/api/users/delete/id DELETE Delete spesific user by id -
/api/users/update/id PUT Update spesific user data by id nama_lengkap, jk, alamat, no_telp
/api/users/update/role/id PUT Update spesific user role by id role : admin,user
/api/users/update/pwd/id PUT Update spesific user passsword by id oldPwd, confirm_oldPwd, newPwd
  • Merchant
Route HTTP Method Description Required Field
/api/merchant/getAll GET Get all the merchant -
/api/merchant/find/key/value GET Find with the key and value parameters -
/api/merchant/add POST Add new merchant nama,deskripsi,alamat,waktu_buka,waktu_tutup
/api/merchant/update/id PUT Update spesific merchant by id nama,deskripsi,alamat,waktu_buka,waktu_tutup
/api/merchant/delete/id DELETE Delete spesific merchant by id -
  • To be Continued