- Technology: NodeJS, ExpressJs, MongoDB, VueJs 3, tailwindCSS
- Publication date: 09/11/2022
- Register.
- Login.
- blog
- question
- add blog
- search
- read blog
- choose an answer
- other profile
- dashboard
- report
- Download:
- Visual Studio Code (Use 2 extension Vetur and Vue 3 Snippets).
- MongoDB Compass (Open wblog to view databse).
- NodeJs.
- Run project:
- Run server:
cd backend
npm install (npm i)
npm start
- Run client:
cd frontend
npm install (npm i)
npm run dev
- Open 2 browser, visit website: http://localhost:8081
- Enjoy it!
- NodeJs: https://nodejs.org/en/
- VueJs 3: https://v3.vuejs.org/
- tailwindCSS: https://tailwindcss.com/