
AngularJS bootcamp sample app - SCRUM manager

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample backend server for the Angular Bootcamp

First of all copy config.js.dist to config.js file

cp ./server/config.js.dist ./config.js

To set up this application you should go to MongoLab sign up a new account and create a new free tier database with the name scrum. Then go to Account users page choose your user copy API key and paste it into server/config.js file apiKey value.

Now you should run following command (assuming you have installed node.js on your machine, if not then plese visit node.js official website and install the latest node version):

  1. $ cd ./server
  2. $ npm install
  3. $ npm start

What does this server do? Actually this backend provides the next capabilities:

  1. User signing in / signing out / signing up
  2. Proxying your MongoLab database through MongoLab REST API.
  3. Serve all the static files in the directory ../client/dist

User auth API

  1. POST /api/signin { "email": "admin@admin.com", "password": "password" } - Sign-in new user
  2. POST /api/signout {} - Sign-out current user (if you've successfully signed in before)
  3. POST /api/signup { "email": "admin@admin.com", "password": "password", "firstName": "Admin", "lastName": "System" } - Sign up new user

RESTful API (proxying MongoLab database)

Actually at the moment you have 2 entity types in your database:

  1. User - Document structure is:
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "572fccb1f8c2e76df19c652e"
    "email": "admin@admin.com",
    "password": "password",
    "admin": true,
    "firstName": "Admin",
    "lastName": "System"
  1. Project - Document structure is:
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "572fce2ff8c2e76df19c72ee"
    "teamMembers": [
        "572fcdbb0a00b26ba172c2a2"              // <-- user._id.$oid
    "name": "Test Project",
    "desc": "The first project",
    "productOwner": "572fccb1f8c2e76df19c652e", // <-- user._id.$oid
    "scrumMaster": "572fcdbb0a00b26ba172c2a2"   // <-- user._id.$oid

All the requests for the urls


are proxied to


Example 1:

GET /api/collections/users/572fccb1f8c2e76df19c652e

Is proxied to

GET https://api.mongolab.com/api/1/databases/scrum/collections/users/572fccb1f8c2e76df19c652e

Example 2:

PUT /api/collections/projects/572fce2ff8c2e76df19c72ee {"name": "Real Project"}

Is proxied to

PUT https://api.mongolab.com/api/1/databases/scrum/collections/projects/572fccb1f8c2e76df19c652e {"name": "Real Project"}

Please read more details regarding MongoLab Data API here. In fact this is classic RESTful API.