First of all copy config.js.dist
to config.js
cp ./server/config.js.dist ./config.js
To set up this application you should go to MongoLab sign up a new account
and create a new free tier database with the name scrum
. Then go to Account users page choose your user
copy API key and paste it into server/config.js
file apiKey
Now you should run following command (assuming you have installed node.js on your machine, if not then plese visit node.js official website and install the latest node version):
$ cd ./server
$ npm install
$ npm start
- User signing in / signing out / signing up
- Proxying your MongoLab database through MongoLab REST API.
- Serve all the static files in the directory
POST /api/signin { "email": "", "password": "password" }
- Sign-in new userPOST /api/signout {}
- Sign-out current user (if you've successfully signed in before)POST /api/signup { "email": "", "password": "password", "firstName": "Admin", "lastName": "System" }
- Sign up new user
Actually at the moment you have 2 entity types in your database:
- User - Document structure is:
"_id": {
"$oid": "572fccb1f8c2e76df19c652e"
"email": "",
"password": "password",
"admin": true,
"firstName": "Admin",
"lastName": "System"
- Project - Document structure is:
"_id": {
"$oid": "572fce2ff8c2e76df19c72ee"
"teamMembers": [
"572fcdbb0a00b26ba172c2a2" // <-- user._id.$oid
"name": "Test Project",
"desc": "The first project",
"productOwner": "572fccb1f8c2e76df19c652e", // <-- user._id.$oid
"scrumMaster": "572fcdbb0a00b26ba172c2a2" // <-- user._id.$oid
All the requests for the urls
are proxied to
GET /api/collections/users/572fccb1f8c2e76df19c652e
Is proxied to
PUT /api/collections/projects/572fce2ff8c2e76df19c72ee {"name": "Real Project"}
Is proxied to
PUT {"name": "Real Project"}
Please read more details regarding MongoLab Data API here. In fact this is classic RESTful API.