
Meaningful skeleton for just kicked up ATK14 application.

Primary LanguagePHP

ATK14 Skelet

Build Status

Meaningful skeleton for just kicked up ATK14 application.

Check out http://skelet.atk14.net/ to see the skelet running.

What the Skeleton contains

  • User registrations
  • Password recoveries
  • Articles (news)
  • Tags
  • A simple administration
  • Front-end tooling Gulp and BrowserSync


git clone https://github.com/atk14/Atk14Skelet.git
cd Atk14Skelet
git submodule init
git submodule update
composer install

If you are experiencing a trouble make sure that all requirements are met: http://book.atk14.net/czech/installation%3Arequirements/

Starting the skeleton

Start the development server


and you may find the running skeleton on http://localhost:8000/

Installing the skeleton as a virtual host on Apache web server

This is optional step. If you have Apache installed, you may want to install the application to a virtual server.

./scripts/virtual_host_configuration -f
sudo service apache2 reload
chmod 777 tmp log

Visit http://atk14skelet.localhost/. Is it running? Great!

If you have a trouble run the following command and follow instructions.


Front-end Assets Installation

Install dependencies.

With Node.js and npm installed, run the following one liner from the root of your Skelet application:

$ npm install -g gulp && npm install

This will install all the tools you will need to serve and build your front-end assets.

Run initial build

Run initial Gulp build process for presentation and admininstration.

$ gulp && gulp admin

Serve / watch

$ gulp serve

This outputs an IP address you can use to locally test and another that can be used on devices connected to your network.

You're done! Happy skeleting!

Don't forget to list your new project on http://www.atk14sites.net/