EFRSoils: Analysis and data of soil chemical and physical properties within the Experimental Forests and Ranges of the Southeastern US


Data and analysis for EFR Soils project.

From Data to Data Product

Below, we show the workflow from how we moved from soil horizon based measures (e.g., O, A, B horizons) to soil physical depth (0 - 10, 10 - 20, 20 - 40, and 40 - 100 cm depth horizons) for each analyte (Ca, K, Mg, P, N, total and organic C) and each additional soil chemical and physical property (bulk density, base saturation, soil texture, and soil pH).

Soil texture triangle showing the range of sand, silt, clay content for all horizons (n = 596), for all soil series represented in Southeastern US Forests (n = 149).