
rICESat2Veg: An R Package for NASA's Ice, Cloud, and Elevation Satellite (ICESat-2) Data Processing and Visualization for Terrestrial Applications

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rICESat2Veg: An R Package for NASA's Ice, Cloud, and Elevation Satellite (ICESat-2) Data Processing and Visualization for Land and Vegetation Applications.

Authors: Carlos Alberto Silva and Caio Hamamura

The rICESat2Veg package provides functions for downloading, reading, visualizing, processing and exporting NASA's ICESat-2 ATL03 (Global Geolocated Photon Data) and ATL08 (Land and Vegetation Height) products for Land and Vegetation Applications in R environment.

Getting Started


#The CRAN version:

# The development version:
remotes::install_github("https://github.com/carlos-alberto-silva/rICESat2Veg", dependencies = TRUE)

# loading rGEDI package

Downloading ICESat-2 data

# Herein, we are using only a ICESat-2 sample dataset for this tutorial.
# downloading zip file
download.file("https://github.com/carlos-alberto-silva/rICESat2Veg/releases/download/datasets/examples.zip",destfile=file.path(outdir, "examples.zip"))

# unzip file 

Reading ATL03 and ATL08 h5 files


Extracting ATL03 and ATL08 photon attributes

atl03_photons_dt<-ATL03_photons_attributes_dt(atl03_h5=atl03_h5, beam="gt1r")

##     lon_ph   lat_ph     h_ph     quality_ph solar_elevation dist_ph_along
## 1: -103.7555 59.49127 422.8559          0        23.49145     0.5788960
## 2: -103.7555 59.49127 413.9451          0        23.49145     0.5501707
## 3: -103.7555 59.49127 301.0684          0        23.49145     0.1823875
## 4: -103.7555 59.49126 434.1847          0        23.49145     1.3294470
## 5: -103.7555 59.49126 398.2455          0        23.49145     1.2123015
## 6: -103.7555 59.49126 369.2183          0        23.49145     1.1181128

atl08_photons_dt<-ATL08_photons_attributes_dt(atl08_h5=atl08_h5, beam="gt1r")

##    ph_segment_id beam classed_pc_indx classed_pc_flag  ph_h     d_flag   delta_time
## 1: 671089        gt1r               8               1 -0.1245117      1  134086702
## 2: 671089        gt1r               9               1 -0.2919922      1  134086702
## 3: 671089        gt1r              11               0 -1.0151367      1  134086702
## 4: 671089        gt1r              15               0 -0.8881836      1  134086702
## 5: 671089        gt1r              23               0 -0.9491882      1  134086702
## 6: 671089        gt1r              33               0 -0.6138306      1  134086702

Extracting ATL08-derived terrain and canopy attributes by segments

# Extracting
atl08_seg_att_dt <- ATL08_seg_attributes_dt(atl08_h5 = atl08_h5)

##   latitude longitude beam h_canopy canopy_openness h_te_mean terrain_slope
## 1: 59.49081 -103.7556 gt1r 4.820282       1.0603539  343.2197    0.06025224
## 2: 59.48993 -103.7558 gt1r 2.681976       0.7612819  345.8327   -0.01439811
## 3: 59.48903 -103.7560 gt1r 3.851379       0.9414949  346.6401    0.04266450
## 4: 59.48814 -103.7561 gt1r 4.076965       0.9898106  350.9311    0.04225401
## 5: 59.48725 -103.7563 gt1r 6.157623       1.1411711  350.4123   -0.11771229
## 6: 59.48635 -103.7565 gt1r 6.686523       1.4989151  340.1538   -0.05887743

# plotting histograms
atl08_seg_att_dt@dt$h_canopy[atl08_seg_att_dt@dt$h_canopy>80]<-NA # set NA to values > 80 m
atl08_seg_att_dt@dt$h_te_mean[atl08_seg_att_dt@dt$h_te_mean>5000]<-NA # set NA to values > 5000 m
hist(atl08_seg_att_dt$h_canopy, col="green", xlab="height (m)", main="h_canopy")
hist(atl08_seg_att_dt$h_te_mean, col="#bd8421", xlab="Elevation (m)", main="h_te_mean")

# Plotting ATL08 attribute on a map by segment coordinates
library(leaflet) # loading leaflet package
library(leafsync) # loading leafsync package

# Set breaks values for h_canopy and h_te_mean



# set color palette
h_canopy.pal <- colorBin(palette = "BrBG", domain = h_canopy_bins)
h_te_mean.pal <- colorBin(palette = "BrBG", domain = h_te_mean_bins)

# plotting h_canopy
h_canopy.map<-leaflet() %>%
     setView(lng = -107.11, lat = 37.51314,zoom = 13.49) %>%
       radius = 0.5,
       opacity = 1,
       color = h_canopy.pal(h_canopy_bins)
     ) %>%
     addScaleBar(options = list(imperial = FALSE)) %>%
     addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldImagery) %>%
     addLegend(pal = h_canopy.pal,values = h_canopy_bins,title ="h_canopy (m)")

# plotting h_te_mean
h_te_mean.map<-leaflet() %>%
  setView(lng = -107.11, lat = 37.51314,zoom = 13.49) %>%
                   radius = 0.5,
                   opacity = 1,
                   color = h_te_mean.pal(h_te_mean_bins)
  ) %>%
  addScaleBar(options = list(imperial = FALSE)) %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldImagery) %>%
  addLegend(pal = h_te_mean.pal,values = h_te_mean_bins,title ="h_te_mean (m)")
sync(h_canopy.map, h_te_mean.map)

Clipping ATL08 Terrain and Canopy Attributes

# Clipping by  bounding box
# Define the bounding box
xmin <- -107.7
xmax <- -106.5
ymin <- 32.75
ymax <- 42.75

# Clip
atl08_seg_att_dt_clip <- ATL08_seg_attributes_dt_clipBox(atl08_seg_att_dt, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
head(atl08_seg_att_dt_clip) # print the first six observations

##   latitude longitude beam  h_canopy canopy_openness h_te_mean  terrain_slope
## 1: 42.08012 -106.5000 gt1r  4.976807        1.069874  2075.281 -0.11553377658
## 2: 42.07922 -106.5001 gt1r  7.460938        1.273932  2063.163 -0.06796860695
## 3: 42.07832 -106.5003 gt1r 10.185303        2.310288  2056.079 -0.08571143448
## 4: 42.07742 -106.5004 gt1r  8.583984        2.444624  2050.611 -0.02976966091
## 5: 42.07652 -106.5005 gt1r  6.843018        2.086431  2048.529 -0.00003621415
## 6: 42.07563 -106.5006 gt1r  6.016113        1.481141  2049.141  0.00491552008

# Clipping by geometry
# Specify the path to shapefile
poly_filepath <- system.file("extdata", "polygon.shp", package = "rICESat2Veg")

# Read shapefile
poly <- terra::vect(poly_filepath)

# Clip
atl08_seg_att_dt_clipg <- ATL08_seg_attributes_dt_clipGeometry(atl08_seg_att_dt, poly, split_by = "FID")
head(atl08_seg_att_dt_clipg) # print the first six observations

##   latitude longitude beam h_canopy canopy_openness h_te_mean terrain_slope nid  poly_id
## 1: 52.49692 -105.0109 gt1r 4.191498        1.060516  503.8196  0.0012361892   1       1
## 2: 52.47792 -105.0140 gt1r 7.399384        1.957333  513.7219  0.1044191048   2       1
## 3: 52.47721 -105.0141 gt1r 3.816345        1.160930  514.6264  0.0050510662   3       1
## 4: 52.46538 -105.0160 gt1r 6.513763        1.305076  504.8456 -0.0748032928   4       1
## 5: 52.46466 -105.0161 gt1r 6.364258        1.470707  503.5898  0.0159635153   5       1
## 6: 52.46377 -105.0163 gt1r 4.756866        1.288144  503.8241 -0.0004335443   6       1

## View ATL08 clipped data by bbox
m1<-leaflet() %>%
  setView(lng = -107.11, lat = 37.51314,zoom = 05) %>%
                   radius = 1,
                   opacity = 1,
                   color = "red")  %>%
                   radius = 1,
                   opacity = 1,
                   color = "green")  %>%
  addScaleBar(options = list(imperial = FALSE)) %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldImagery)  %>%
  addLegend(colors = c("red","green"), labels= c("All samples","Clip bbox"),title ="ATL08")

## View ATL08 clipped data by geometry
# color palette
pal <- colorFactor(
  palette = c( 'green','orange'),
  domain = atl08_seg_att_dt_clipg$poly_id

m2<-leaflet() %>%
  setView(lng = -107.11, lat = 37.51314,zoom = 03) %>%
                   radius = 1,
                   opacity = 1,
                   color = "red")  %>%
                   radius = 1,
                   opacity = 1,
                   color = pal(atl08_seg_att_dt_clipg$poly_id))  %>%
  addScaleBar(options = list(imperial = FALSE)) %>%
  addPolygons(data=poly,weight=1,col = 'white',
              opacity = 1, fillOpacity = 0) %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldImagery) %>%
  addLegend(pal = pal, values = atl08_seg_att_dt_clipg$poly_id,title ="Poly IDs" )
sync(m1, m2)

Gridding AT08 Terrain and Canopy Attributes

# Computing the max h_canopy at 0.05 degree grid cell
max_h_canopy <-ATL08_seg_attributes_dt_gridStat(atl08_seg_att_dt, func=max(h_canopy), res=0.05)
plot(max_h_canopy, xlim=c(-107.2,-106.8),ylim=c(38,39), col=viridis::inferno(8),
     main="Max 'h_canopy'",
     xlab="Langitude (degree)",
     ylab="Latitude (degree)")

# Define your own function
mySetOfMetrics <- function(x) {
  metrics <- list(
    min = min(x), # Min of x
    max = max(x), # Max of x
    mean = mean(x), # Mean of x
    sd = sd(x) # Sd of x

# Computing a series of h_canopy statistics at 0.05 degree grid cell from customized function
atl08_seg_att_dt@dt$h_canopy[atl08_seg_att_dt@dt$h_canopy>80]<-NA # set values > 80 m to NA m
h_canopy_metrics <-ATL08_seg_attributes_dt_gridStat(atl08_seg_att_dt, func=mySetOfMetrics(h_canopy),res=0.05)
     xlab="Langitude (degree)",
     ylab="Latitude (degree)")

Join ATL03 and ATL08 photon attributes tables

atl03_atl08_dt<-ATL03_ATL08_photons_attributes_dt_join(atl03_h5,atl08_h5, beam = "gt1l")

## lon_ph   lat_ph     h_ph quality_ph solar_elevation dist_ph_along ph_segment_id classed_pc_indx
## 1: -103.7541 59.49119 375.0020          0        23.49148     0.7613657            NA              NA
## 2: -103.7541 59.49119 389.0057          0        23.49148     0.7323560            NA              NA
## 3: -103.7540 59.49118 339.6367          0        23.49148     0.8367972        671089               3
## 4: -103.7540 59.49118 333.1566          0        23.49148     0.8507242            NA              NA
## 5: -103.7540 59.49118 339.5233          0        23.49148     0.8367975        671089               5
## 6: -103.7540 59.49118 339.7158          0        23.49148     0.8367971        671089               6
## classed_pc_flag d_flag delta_time        ph_h beam night_flag
## 1:              NA     NA         NA          NA gt1l          1
## 2:              NA     NA         NA          NA gt1l          1
## 3:               1      1  134086701 -0.04504395 gt1l          1
## 4:              NA     NA         NA          NA gt1l          1
## 5:               1      1  134086701 -0.16015625 gt1l          1
## 6:               1      1  134086701  0.03042603 gt1l          1
## Plotting photon cloud
# plot by "ph_h"
plot(atl03_atl08_dt, y="ph_h",colors, beam = "gt1l",
     ylim=c(0,7), xlim=c(2400,3800), pch=16)

# plot by "h_ph"
plot(atl03_atl08_dt, y="h_ph",colors, beam = "gt1l",
     ylim=c(300,355),xlim=c(2400,3800), pch=16)

Gridding ATL03 and AT08 Photons Attributes

# Computing the mean of h_ph attribute at 0.05 degree grid cell
mean_h_ph <- ATL03_ATL08_photons_attributes_dt_gridStat(atl03_atl08_dt, func = mean(h_ph), res = 0.05)

     main="Mean h_ph",
     xlab="Langitude (degree)",
     ylab="Latitude (degree)")

# Define your own function
mySetOfMetrics <- function(x) {
  metrics <- list(
    min = min(x), # Min of x
    max = max(x), # Max of x
    mean = mean(x), # Mean of x
    sd = sd(x) # Sd of x

# Computing a series of h_canopy statistics at 0.05 degree grid cell from customized function
h_ph_metrics <-ATL03_ATL08_photons_attributes_dt_gridStat(atl03_atl08_dt, func=mySetOfMetrics(h_ph),res=0.05)
     xlab="Langitude (degree)",
     ylab="Latitude (degree)")

Clipping ATL03 and joined ATL03 and ATL08 photons attributes

# Clipping by  bounding box

# ATL03 photons
atl03_photons_dt_clip <- ATL03_photons_attributes_dt_clipBox(atl03_photons_dt, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
head(atl03_photons_dt_clip) # print the first six observations
##   lon_ph   lat_ph     h_ph quality_ph solar_elevation dist_ph_along
## 1: -106.5 42.07277 2277.565          0        33.26923       1946643
## 2: -106.5 42.07275 2270.703          0        33.26932       1946645
## 3: -106.5 42.07274 2223.677          0        33.26932       1946647
## 4: -106.5 42.07273 2262.953          0        33.26932       1946648
## 5: -106.5 42.07271 2280.661          0        33.26932       1946649
## 6: -106.5 42.07270 2271.058          0        33.26932       1946652

# AT03 and ATL08 photons
atl03_atl08_photons_dt_clip <- ATL03_ATL08_photons_attributes_dt_clipBox(atl03_atl08_dt, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
head(atl03_atl08_dt_clip) # print the first six observations
##      lon_ph   lat_ph     h_ph quality_ph solar_elevation dist_ph_along ph_segment_id
## 1: -106.5 42.07237 2082.053          0         33.2695       1946688        768267
## 2: -106.5 42.07236 2085.700          0         33.2695       1946688        768267
## 3: -106.5 42.07235 2091.462          0         33.2695       1946689        768267
## 4: -106.5 42.07235 2088.416          0         33.2695       1946689        768267
## 5: -106.5 42.07233 2081.228          0         33.2695       1946691        768267
## 6: -106.5 42.07233 2084.664          0         33.2695       1946691        768267
   classed_pc_indx classed_pc_flag d_flag delta_time       ph_h beam night_flag
## 1:              24               1      1  134086975 -0.2282715 gt1l          1
## 2:              28               2      1  134086975  3.2006836 gt1l          1
## 3:              33               3      1  134086975  8.7456055 gt1l          1
## 4:              34               3      1  134086975  5.4833984 gt1l          1
## 5:              44               0      1  134086975 -1.9194336 gt1l          1
## 6:              46               2      1  134086975  1.3044434 gt1l          1

# Clipping by geometry

# ATL03 photons
atl03_photons_dt_clipg <- ATL03_photons_attributes_dt_clipGeometry(atl03_photons_dt, polygon, split_by = "FID")
head(atl03_photons_dt_clipg) # print the first six observations

# ATL03 and ATL08 photons
atl03_atl08_photons_dt_clipg <- ATL03_ATL08_photons_attributes_dt_cliGeometry(atl03_photons_dt, polygon, split_by = "FID")
head(atl03_photons_dt_clipg) # print the first six observations

Computing terrain and canopy metrics by a within segment length

# Computing the max canopy height at 30 m segments
max_ph_h_seg_30m <-ATL03_ATL08_compute_seg_attributes_dt_segStat(atl03_atl08_dt, func=max(ph_h),
                                seg_length = 30,
                                beam=c("gt1l", "gt1r", "gt2l", "gt2r", "gt3l", "gt3r"),
##      segment max_ph_h latitude longitude dist_along
## 1:       1 2.025024 59.49107 -103.7541         15
## 2:       2 2.578125 59.49079 -103.7541         45
## 3:       3 3.153015 59.49051 -103.7542         75
## 4:       4 2.994751 59.49026 -103.7542        105
## 5:       5 2.130676 59.49000 -103.7543        135
## 6:       6 2.302063 59.48966 -103.7544        165

# Computing the max canopy height at 100 m segments
max_ph_h_seg_100m <-ATL03_ATL08_compute_seg_attributes_dt_segStat(atl03_atl08_dt, func=max(ph_h),
                                                                 seg_length = 100,
                                                                 beam=c("gt1l", "gt1r", "gt2l", "gt2r", "gt3l", "gt3r"),

##   segment max_ph_h latitude longitude dist_along
## 1:   1 2.025024 59.49107 -103.7541         15
## 2:   2 2.578125 59.49079 -103.7541         45
## 3:   3 3.153015 59.49051 -103.7542         75
## 4:   4 2.994751 59.49026 -103.7542        105
## 5:   5 2.130676 59.49000 -103.7543        135
## 6:   6 2.302063 59.48966 -103.7544        165

## Plot photon cloud and computed metrics
colors <- c("gray", "#bd8421", "forestgreen", "green")
colorMap <- colors[atl03_atl08_dt$classed_pc_flag + 1]
     xlab="Distance along-track (m)", ylab="Height (m)")
points(max_ph_h_seg_30m$dist_along,max_ph_h_seg_30m$max_ph_h, col="red", pch=16)
points(max_ph_h_seg_100m$dist_along,max_ph_h_seg_100m$max_ph_h, col="blue", pch=16)
legend("topleft",legend=c("ATL03 unclassified","ATL03 ground","ATL03 Canopy","ATL03 Top canopy","Max ph_h at 30m","Max ph_h at 100m"), col=c(colors,"red","blue"), pch=16, bty="n")

# Computing a series of ph_h statistics from customized function
 ph_h_metrics <-ATL03_ATL08_compute_seg_attributes_dt_segStat(atl03_atl08_dt, func=mySetOfMetrics(ph_h),
                                seg_length = 30, # 30 m
                                beam=c("gt1l", "gt1r", "gt2l", "gt2r", "gt3l", "gt3r"),

##  segment  min_ph_h max_ph_h mean_ph_h   sd_ph_h latitude longitude dist_along
## 1:  1 0.5019531 2.025024 0.9590389 0.5434316 59.49107 -103.7541         15
## 2:  2 0.5261841 2.578125 0.9932157 0.5950008 59.49079 -103.7541         45
## 3:  3 0.5100403 3.153015 1.1455467 0.7921570 59.49051 -103.7542         75
## 4:  4 0.5131226 2.994751 1.3727740 0.8207025 59.49026 -103.7542        105
## 5:  5 0.5229187 2.130676 1.1009442 0.4158372 59.49000 -103.7543        135
## 6:  6 0.5034790 2.302063 1.2780537 0.4787862 59.48966 -103.7544        165

Statistics of ATL08 Terrain and Canopy Attributes by Geometry

# Computing the max h_canopy by polygon id
max_h_canopy <-ATL08_seg_attributes_dt_polyStat(atl08_seg_att_dt_clipg, func=max(h_canopy),poly_id="poly_id")
##    poly_id  max
## 1:  1      74.25031
## 2:  0      71.87158

# Computing a series of canopy statistics from customized function
h_canopy_metrics <-ATL08_seg_attributes_dt_polyStat(atl08_seg_att_dt_clipg, func=mySetOfMetrics(h_canopy),poly_id="poly_id")
##   poly_id       min      max      mean       sd
## 1:       1 0.9290771 74.25031  7.860409 4.955381
## 2:       0 1.4843750 71.87158 10.627854 5.201939


We gratefully acknowledge funding from NASA’s ICESat-2 (ICESat-2, grant 22-ICESat2_22-0006), Carbon Monitoring System (CMS, grant 22-CMS22-0015) and Commercial Smallsat Data Scientific Analysis(CSDSA, grant 22-CSDSA22_2-0080).

Reporting Issues

Please report any issue regarding the rICESat2Veg package to Dr. Silva (c.silva@ufl.edu)

Citing rICESat2Veg

Silva,C.A; Hamamura,C.rICESat2Veg: An R Package for NASA's Ice, Cloud, and Elevation Satellite (ICESat-2) Data Processing and Visualization for Terrestrial Applications.version 0.0.1, accessed on November. 22 2023, available at: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rICESat2Veg


rICESat2Veg package comes with no guarantee, expressed or implied, and the authors hold no responsibility for its use or reliability of its outputs.