
Simple PowerShell automation module to connect to Sophos VPN without user interaction

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Simple automation script to connect to Sophos VPN without user interaction

Examples to connect to profiles

Add these to something in your path so you can connect quickly with a single cmdlet. On first run, it will collect details needed for the connectiong.

Connect to Sophos VPN profile

function Connect-SophosSample([bool] $killExisting = $false) {
    $props = Get-VpnAuthDetails "profile-name";
    Start-SophosVpnConnection $props.profileName $props.userName $props.securePassword $props.otpKey $killExisting;

Connect to Forti VPN profile (not actually supported yet...)

function Connect-FortiSample([bool] $killExisting = $false) {
    $props = Get-VpnAuthDetails "profile-name" $true;
    $totp = Get-Totp $props.otpKey;
    Write-Host "Unsupported vpn (Forti).  Generated TOTP.";