Hi there!

Ready for Moon Active’s Backend Performance Challenge?! 🚀💪🏻

Below you will find all the details and terms related to the challenge. Please submit your solution by Sunday, May 22nd.

Important: If you’re the lucky winner, then you must be present at the Backend Meetup (at our office) on May 25th to receive the prize (MacBook Pro 16 in).

Background Info:

Included in this repository is an index.js file. Inside the file there’s a simple web server that implements a "Card Service". For every request, the service provides each user a card out of the cards listed in "cards.json", and that card can be served only once per user.

The problem: The current implementation is slow and inefficient, and it takes the tester program more than 10 minutes to complete a full run of a load testing cycle.

The challenge: Make the service handle higher throughput and finish quicker. The winner will be the solution with the lowest overall runtime!

How: As long as you maintain the API interface and index.js as an entry point, then everything goes! :)

Constraints and terms

  • The solution must be written in NodeJS only.
  • The solution must adhere to the "business" requirements listed above.
  • The included tester must pass successfully as scoring will be based on it.
  • For the scoring, we will run prebuilt testers and record the outcome.
  • The winner will be the one that has the solution with the lowest overall runtime to complete the challenge successfully.
  • The winner will be announced at our Backend Meetup at our office in Tel Aviv on May 25th.
  • The winner must attend the meetup to get the reward.

How to submit

  • Upload your index.js, package.json and package-lock.json files to a new repository in Github - make sure it is publicly accessible.
  • Submit your Github Repository in the Google form
  • Attend the meetup.

Challenge Setup

  • Install and run a local redis server on port 6379.
  • Clone this repository to your computer.
  • Install nodejs runtime and run npm install.
  • Run the web server node index.js.
  • Make a test call to http://localhost:3000/card_add?id=0.
  • You should receive a payload like this:
  "id": "410bc4fc-23a9-4cd0-81fb-c96453516b47",
  "name": "16b5b50b-64c9-4edd-8cb3-464be756eaac"
  • Run the tester binaries included according to your platform ./osx-intel or ./linux
  • You should see the following payload on console:
generating cards
starting node processes
waiting for node process to boot
.Example app listening at
Example app listening at
generating in memory store
11724 requests/second
12341 requests/second

Start hacking away and good luck! :)

*To build the tester binary from source, install go and run: *

cd tester_src 
go build -o tester main.go 
mv tester .. 
cd ..

For any technical problems, feel free to reach out to me: Tali.we@moonactive.com