
Various scripts used in Lisp deployment

Primary LanguageShell

This repository contains various scripts related to building and deploying Common Lisp projects.

At some point of its history Nyxt has used these script to produce .deb and .rpm archives.

A particularity of these archives is that they feature a nyxt binary that embeds some required static libraries (like libfixposix) that may not be present on the target system.

Nyxt .deb archive

See the following files:

Nyxt .rpm archive

This is an almost-working-attempt at generating an RPM package for Fedora. See atlas-engineer/nyxt#1359.

See the following files:

  • .github/workflows/package-fedora.yml: GitHub CI driver (as little code as possible).
  • build-fedora-package.sh: The actual build.
  • Dockerfile: The (most likely flawed) Docker script used by the above script.
  • nyxt-fedora-package.asd: The linux-packaging system used by the above script.