
Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ESP32-CAM - A.I. Thinker

Build with PlatformIO

The goal of this repository is to centralize information and examples for the ESP32-CAM A.I. Thinker.

Read the board and periferals specifications here.

ESP32-CAM - A.I. Thinker
ESP32-CAM A.I. Thinker usually sells with OV2640 sensor


Running with PlatformIO

To run the examples, make sure to have PlatformIO installed. If you haven't, refer to this tutorial.

Building with PlatformIO



To flash the board you need a USB to TTL dongle.

Also it is very important to use a external power supply. USBs usually do not provide sufficient current which makes the board loops brownout errors.


schematics to wire the board
Diagram to wire the board


When flashing:

  1. turn the board down
  2. hold the reset button (short GPIO0 to GND)
  3. turn the board on

When booting to run your sketch, keep GPIO0 open.

This board also has a built in reset button.


This board and the included OV2640 can acomplish the following:

  • External 64MBit PSRAM (IPUS IPS6404)
  • Embeed flash light
  • Sd Card
    • mount using FatFS
  • Ov2640
    • Native resolutions:
      • UXGA
      • SVGA
      • CIF
    • Gain control
    • Balance control
    • Windowing
      • Zoom and panning modes
      • Sub-sampling mode
        • Svga
        • Cif
    • Frame exposure mode
    • Output formatter
      • Scaling image output
    • Power down mode
    • Strobe (flash control)


The roadmap for this repository is to implement examples uppon the capabilities of the board.

Feel free to open issues, describe bugs, suggest new examples and implementations.

I'll be reviewing and accepting PR's.