
ArcBruTile displays a collection of maps in ArcGIS Pro 2.0 and ArcMap 10.0 - 10.6

MIT LicenseMIT

Download ArcBruTile 3 for ArcMap 10.2 - 10.6

Download ArcBruTile Pro for ArcGIS Pro 2.1 - 2.3

Download ArcBruTile Pro - China for ArcGIS Pro 2.1 at https://bertt.itch.io/arcbrutile-pro-china.

Project Description

ArcBruTile displays maps from Air Quality Index, AutoNavi, Baidu, Bing, CartoDB, DaumGIS CloudHumanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT), IsHowChina, Klokan Technologies, Kosmosnimki, Mapbox, Nationaal Georegister (PDOK), National Library of Scotland (NLS), Nokia HERE, NaverNew York City Maps, NZ MapsPast, OpenStreetMap, OpenRailwayMapOpenWeatherMap, OpenSeaMapOSM2VectortilesStamen, SputnikStravaTaobao, Thunderforest, Tianditu, TomTom, VWorld, Yandex and others in ArcGIS Desktop 10.0/10.1/10.2/10.3/10.4/10.5/10.6.


Get in contact with other ArcBruTile users/developers, go to http://arcbrutile.slack.com


2019-02-19: release ArcBruTile 3.0. Uses Add-in architecture + new userinterface (all in one combobox)

2019-02-09: release ArcBruTile 2.0 and ArcBruTile.Pro 1.3.

Adding XYZ tile layer support + OpenMapTiles/Waze maps.

2-2-2018: source code moved to private repository

1-2-2018: Release 1.0.2

23-11-2017: Release 1.0

  • Upgrade BruTile 0.8.6 -> 0.22.1

  • Improved performance + stability

  • Support for Strava Heatmaps 2017 (with options activity type and color)

  • New Maps: Apple, Kosmosnimki, Michelin, ThunderForest, Gaode)

23-05-2017: Added New York City Maps

01-05-2017: Article about ArcBruTile in issue 44 of WAURISA's The Summit, see http://www.waurisa.org/thesummit/TheSummit_Issue44.pdf, page 16

18-04-2017: Removed MapQuest because change in their offering https://devblog.mapquest.com/2016/06/15/modernization-of-mapquest-results-in-changes-to-open-tile-access/. Effective in next release 0.9

18-04-2017: ArcBruTile 0.8 release. Please note older versions of ArcBruTile do not function well because of a breaking changes in DropBox functionalty.

23-10-2016: Added OpenStreetMap Bike Trails map thanks to https://github.com/ArcBruTile/ArcBruTile/pull/7 by @wiktorn

26-07-2016: Added New Zealand MapsPast maps (2009 Topo50, 1999 NZMS260, 1989 NZMS1/260, 1979 NZMS1, 1969 NZMS1, 1959 NZMS1, 1949 NZMS15, 1899 NZMS13) (http://www.mapspast.org.nz/). Use 'Add Tms service -> NZ MapsPast'

1-7-2016: Added Thunderforest - Neighbourhood. Use 'Add Tms service -> Thunderforest -> Neighbourhood'

12-06-2016: Added Sputnik map (Russian) (http://maps.sputnik.ru/). Use 'Add Tms service -> Sputnik'

12-06-2016: Added IsHowChina map. Use 'Add Tms service -> IsHowChina' or available as menu option in ArcBruTile 0.8 release

11-06-2016: Added Taobao and AutoNavi Satellite. Available in ArcBruTile 0.8 release.

06-06-2016: Added Yandex maps (streets, satellite, hybrid). Available in ArcBruTile 0.8 release.

03-06-2016: Added Kosmosnimki map (Russian). Use 'Add Tms service -> Kosmosnimki'

03-06-2016: Added TomTom day and night maps. Use 'Add Tms service -> TomTom' or as menu option in ArcBruTile 0.8 release

30-05-2016: Added Nokia HERE maps: Streets, Satellite, Hybrid, Terrrain, Traffic, Transit

29-05-2016: Project moved from CodePlex to GitHub

17-05-2016: Added Air Quality Index services: aqi, pm25, o3, no2, so2, co, asean-pm10

27-04-2016: Arcgis 와 국내지도의 연동 - ArcBruTile 0.7버전

24-04-2016: ArcBruTile 0.7 released.

. add toolbars for China (Baidu, Tianditu) and Korea (Daum, Naver, VWorld)
. add CartoDB services (Darkmatter, Positron)
. add services from OpenWeatherMap, Thunderforest, OpenRailWayMap and National Library of Scotland (NLS)

Supported maps

See supported_maps.md


  • all projections;
  • client side caching;
  • ArcGIS 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6;
  • Printing; 
  • MapTiler support (see ArcBruTile and MapTiler for details).

ArcBruTile is based on the generic tiling library BruTile. For other viewers based on BruTile library  see the Mapsui project.

 Why ArcBruTile is developed:

Because ArcGIS, one of the most popular desktop GIS program around, lacks support for non-Esri tile services, especially the increasingly popular OpenStreetMap maps. And because we're bored searching for the always slow or lost or broken disk/service with actual map reference data :-)
ArcBruTile also solves the projections problem: all tiles are transformed on the fly to the desired projection if needed. ArcBruTile makes it very easy to combine data with different projections.


Future development:

Want to add your maps or new functionality to ArcMap? Contact us


Powered by:

ArcGISBruTileOpenStreetMapBing Maps  Nokia HereTomTom [Yandex]


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