- 3
[Suggestion] - Ingress : support multiple path
#920 opened by j0nathan33 - 2
[Suggestion] - Add Helm Value for StuckThreadDetectionValve in Atlassian Helm Charts
#919 opened by nagarajuvemula789 - 1
- 2
[Suggestion] - Add the option to add a local proxy container in de application pod when the Base URL is not reachable from within the pod
#895 opened by ChampiYann - 3
[Suggestion] - Add Support for Outbound Proxy Configuration in values.yaml for Jira
#840 opened by nagarajuvemula789 - 1
[Suggestion] - Implement workaround for gracefull shutdown when JMX is enabled
#897 opened by farthinder - 1
[Suggestion] - Add support for GCP GCS bukets to store Attachments and Avatars
#910 opened by SehiiRohoza - 2
[Suggestion] - Enable Storage of Jira Backups in Amazon S3 Using Helm Charts
#903 opened by nagarajuvemula789 - 2
[Suggestion] - Suggestion to Disable S3 Storage for Avatars & Attachments
#900 opened by nagarajuvemula789 - 8
[Suggestion] - [jira] Use special variable to right separate mount for logs and home
#844 opened by w1ndblow - 3
[question] - purpose of ingress-setup.yaml
#898 opened by grawert - 1
- 4
[Suggestion] - Support storing the attachments in S3 Bucket in Jira
#850 opened by jpfelgueirasplanet - 3
[Suggestion] - Request for Adding Resource Requests and Limits to import-certs Init Container in Jira
#839 opened by nagarajuvemula789 - 1
Jira Helm chart changelog is out of order
#838 opened by iancward - 11
[Suggestion] - Defining tomcatconfig.proxyName should override
#821 opened by Ansible-man - 8
- 9
[Suggestion] - internalProxies line should be removed when there is no proxyInternalIps value in tomcatConfig
#741 opened by SuperWonjune - 2
- 2
[Suggestion] - Add chmod to import-cert init-container script when running as non-root
#784 opened by knutejohKLP - 2
[Suggestion] - Shared home should not be removed from synchrony [revert request for #745]
#775 opened by SuperWonjune - 15
- 1
[Suggestion] - Remove confluence shared home from synchrony volumes when creating a dedicated synchrony volume
#745 opened by ChampiYann - 5
[Suggestion] - Support Kubernetes StatefulSetStartOrdinal feature gate .spec.ordinals.start
#712 opened by uhagemann - 4
- 3
Installation problem after license
#758 opened by AvatarrX - 3
- 4
- 8
[Suggestion] - Using cluster mode in kubernetes, how do nodes communicate with each other?
#555 opened by airsmon - 2
[Suggestion] - Add the fsGroupChangePolicy setting default on values.yaml file.
#624 opened by ademoura - 16
[Suggestion] - How to add JNDI resources to server.xml
#540 opened by zeddit - 1
- 2
[Suggestion] - Upgrade to Fluentbit
#714 opened by rhaskins - 3
[Suggestion] - Security Vulnerabilities on v8.5.2 and Helm Chart Doesn't Support v8.5.3
#711 opened by suleyman-ableto - 1
- 1
[Suggestion] - monitoring.jmxExporterCustomConfig does not work if exposeJmxMetrics is set to true
#698 opened by cjwong1098 - 3
- 5
[Breaking - Changes] - podAnnotations don't support Datadog labels anymore
#681 opened by suleyman-ableto - 1
- 3
- 2
- 2
[Suggestion] - Create an option to Disable the Startup probe during Helm chart deployment.
#645 opened by hfernandes-atlassian - 4
- 6
[Suggestion] - Allow internal application links
#639 opened by reschandreas - 2
- 2
[Suggestion] - Add support for PodDisruptionBudget
#634 opened by Roia5 - 1
[Suggestion] - Add additionalFiles to the Bamboo-Agent Helm Chart to mount configMaps for config files like settings.xml etc.
#579 opened by steeu - 3
- 8
[Suggestion] - Support for P1 plugins
#612 opened by uhagemann - 3