
Benchmark for Cloud and DC

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Compare Jira performance

Benchmark two Jiras against each other. Both Jira Cloud and Jira Data Center are supported.

  1. Prepare AWS credentials.

  2. Point to instances via property files in cohort-secrets, akin to the example properties.

  3. Run ./gradlew comparePerformance.

    Read various reports logged in the console. The most useful ones are links to files, like distribution-comparision.html or summary-per-cohort.html.

AWS - Provision nodes to a vpc and subnet

You specify both vpc and subnet of the nodes provisioned for JPT when using SlowAndMeaningful benchmark quality by providing values for following as env variables:

  • subnetId
  • vpcId

Prior art

Originally forked from quick-303.