
ROS package to calibrate extrinsic pose of multiple sensor nodes

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


ROS package for automatic extrinsic pose calibration of multiple RGB-D sensor nodes. As described in the referenced paper, the use of large retroreflective markers is recommended for large volumes.

Keywords: ROS, RGB-D, calibration


The source code is released under a BSD 3-Clause license.

Author: Atle Aalerud
Affiliation: SFI Offshore Mechatronics, University of Agder
Maintainer: Atle Aalerud, atle.aalerud@uia.no

The wp3_calibrator package has been tested under ROS Indigo and Ubuntu 16.04. This is research code, expect that it changes often and any fitness for a particular purpose is disclaimed.

Example image


If you use this work in an academic context, please cite the following publication(s):

  • A. Aalerud, J. Dybedal, and G. Hovland, Automatic Calibration of an Industrial RGB-D Camera Network using Retroreflective Fiducial Markers. Submitted. to Sensors, 2018. (In review)

          author = {Aalerud, Atle and Dybedal, Joacim and Hovland, Geir},
          journal = {submitted to Sensors},
          title = {{Automatic Calibration of an Industrial RGB-D Camera Network using Retroreflective Fiducial Markers}},
          year = {2018}
  • A. Aalerud, J. Dybedal, E. Ujkani, and G. Hovland, Industrial Environment Mapping Using Distributed Static 3D Sensor Nodes, in 2018 14th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), 2018. (PDF)

          author = {Aalerud, Atle and Dybedal, Joacim and Ujkani, Erind and Hovland, Geir},
          booktitle = {2018 14th IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. Mechatron. Embed. Syst. Appl.},
          month = {jul},
          publisher = {IEEE},
          title = {{Industrial Environment Mapping Using Distributed Static 3D Sensor Nodes}},
          year = {2018}


Building from Source



To build from source, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the package using

cd catkin_workspace/src
git clone https://github.com/atleaa/wp3_calibrator.git
cd ../


To run the calibration on logged data from the Industrial Robotics Lab at UiA:

  • Download the ROS bag from dataverse, DOI
  • Decompress
    rosbag decompress *.bag
  • Edit path to the ROS bag in calibrate.launch
  • Run calibration using:
    roslaunch wp3_calibrator calibrate.launch

The final calibration of the journal paper may be applied directly by using:

rosparam set use_sim_time true
rosbag play --clock -l rosbagname.bag
roslaunch wp3_calibrator tf_resultC.launch

To calibrate your own sensors you need to edit or copy calibrate.launch with following updates:

  • Disable playback of rosbag.
  • Set num_sensors to number of sensors to calibrate
  • Update list of topics according to your sensors

Config files

  • include/wp3_calibrator/defines.h Program configurations (reguires recompile)
    • Dimensions of aruco markers
    • Padding size around aruco markers
    • Calibration parameters

Launch files

  • calibrate.launch: Sets parameters and starts calibration
  • tf_resultC.launch Launch static transform publishers for final calibration results from journal.

Bugs & Feature Requests

Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker.