NRI Samples

Build instructions


  • Install WindowsSDK and VulkanSDK
  • Clone project and init submodules
  • Generate and build project using cmake

Or by running scripts only:

  • Run 1-Deploy.bat
  • Run 2-Build.bat

Linux (x86-64)

  • Install VulkanSDK, libx11-dev, libxrandr-dev
  • Clone project and init submodules
  • Generate and build project using cmake

Linux (aarch64)

  • Install libx11-dev, libxrandr-dev
  • Clone project and init submodules
  • Generate and build project using cmake

CMake options

-DUSE_MINIMAL_DATA=ON - download minimal resource package (90MB)

-DDISABLE_SHADER_COMPILATION=ON - disable compilation of shaders (shaders can be built on other platform)

-DDXC_CUSTOM_PATH=my/path/to/dxc - custom path to dxc

-DUSE_DXC_FROM_PACKMAN_ON_AARCH64=OFF - use default path for dxc

How to run

The executables load resources from _Data, therefore please run the samples with working directory set to the project root folder. The executables can be found in _Build.

How to add new sample

Create a new cpp file in Source/ and add add_sample(YourFileName) in CMakeLists.txt.

CMake script scans and adds all shaders from Source/Shaders to a project called SampleShaders, therefore you will need to reconfigure CMake project after adding new shaders.