
Photo import application written in Node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This software:

Cycles through thousands of images and moves them to an archive if they're unique. If a dupe is supsected, it's marked and saved to the database for review (later, separately).


  • ✓ Don't calculate hash is size is sufficiently large and entropic.
  • Move suspected dupe to like {ARCHIVE}_likely_dupes/ and THEN save dupe doc to db w/ fullPath
  • Determine when done
  • Calculate statistics. Num dupes, num unique.
  • Mongodump + backup for now? Or new mongo instance on another port.
  • Atomic operation? Move + write or reverse.
  • Prefer "better" name in files? (more descriptive, more human)


  • Use electron
  • Generate thumbs (check if file(s) exist, may have since been moved)
  • Easily resolve dupe

src size < max && existing docs in db ? for each existing doc getStoredHash (existing has hash ? use it : make hash & save) hashes match ? insert dupe event (could be many) 0 match? unique else unique