
BitCanna Blockchain based on Cosmos SDK

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

BitCanna Blockchain

BitCanna provides a decentralized payment network, supply chain and trust network for the legal cannabis industry by utilizing the BCNA coin.

Current version (v1.6.3 Vigorous-Grow-fix) of our development uses Cosmos SDK v0.45.15 & Comet-BFT v0.34.27 & IBC-go v3.4.0

Last breaking consensus upgrade info: Update scheduled for 10th March 2023 v1.6.1

Last compatible update is here (v1.6.3)

These docs at Github are chain related. For more information about our coin, partners and roadmap visit:

Hardware Requirements

Here are the minimal hardware configs required for running a validator/sentry node:

  • 8GB RAM
  • 4vCPUs (8vCPUs is recommended)
  • 200GB - 300GB SSD Disk space per year (NVMe disks are recommended)
  • 400 Mbit/s bandwidth (800Mbit/s - 1Gbit/s recommended)

Software Requirements

  • Linux server (Ubuntu 20/22 server recommended)
  • Go version v1.19.5

Please avoid cheap VPS providers as a main validator (we suggest using it as a cheap backup). We advise to use a shared dedicated server or a high-end NVMe VPS.

Genesis file

Binary / Upgrades table

Upgrade Date Upgrade Height Binary Path Release GitHub Release notes
7th Nov 2022 15.00h CET 5.787.420 v1.5.3 Link Doc
2nd Mar 2023 16.20h CET 7.467.420 v1.6.0-fix Link Doc
10th Mar 2023 18.40h CET 7.585.420 v1.6.1 Link Doc

Current compatible release: https://github.com/BitCannaGlobal/bcna/releases/tag/v1.6.3

How to join bitcanna-1 chain

Tip: At the end of this doc, you will find links with important info

The necessary steps to join to bitcanna-1 chain are:

1. Install / Compile last binary

Check this link to find instructions to install or compile our latest release.

2. Sync the chain

You can sync the chain in your server to run a validator or a simple node/peer. Select one method of the below:

2.1. Sync using a StateSync snapshot server.

This is the recommended option for new nodes/validators.

By downloading the StateSync script, you will sync the last blocks of the chain from two BitCanna StateSync servers.

The script will setup your folder and config if you start a fresh install. If your node/validator exist will make a backup, syncing and restoring the backup at the end of the script. Choose the best that fits you!

2.2. Sync using a snapshot file

This is an alternative way to get synced without having to download the entire chain block by block. Recommended for advanced users in Cosmos chains.

2.3. Sync the whole chain using cosmovisor

Start to sync from block 1. Automate the upgrades with Cosmovisor by putting the right binaries in the appropriate folder.

3. Create a validator

Your node must be fully synced in order to send the TX of validator creation and start to validate the network. You can check if your node has fully synced by comparing your logs and the latest block in the explorer (https://explorer.bitcanna.io/)

You will need coins: Send coins to your new address, you will need roughly 2 BCNA to run the validator (1 BCNA for self-delegation and a bit more for transactions).

  1. Set the chain-id parameter
    bcnad config chain-id bitcanna-1
  1. Create a wallet: You may create a wallet with one or more keys (addresses) using bcnad; you can choose a name of your own liking (we strongly advice you use one word)
    bcnad keys add MyFirstAddress
      name: MyFirstAddress
      type: local
      address: bcna14shzreglay98us0hep44hhhuy7dm43snv38plr
      pubkey: bcnapub1addwnpepqvtpzyugupvcu773rzdcvhele6e22txy2zr235dn7uf8t2mlqcarcyx2gg9
      mnemonic: ""
      threshold: 0
      pubkeys: []

    deposit daring slim glide hello dolphin expire stoner cluster vivid orphan work pond section client friend yellow west hamster torch settle island opinion gloom

It is very important to write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place. It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget/lose your password.

    deposit daring slim glide hello dolphin expire stoner cluster vivid orphan work pond section client friend yellow west hamster torch settle island opinion gloom
  1. Send the Create validator TX:

We recommend you read the FAQ Chain's guide to understand all parameters - be aware that some values are permanent and cannot be changed at a later date.

When you have your node synced and your wallet funded with coins, send the TX to become validator (change wallet_name and moniker):

You can use quotes to include spaces and more than two words --from "Royal Queen Seeds"

bcnad tx staking create-validator \
    --amount 1000000ubcna \
    --commission-max-change-rate 0.10 \
    --commission-max-rate 0.2 \
    --commission-rate 0.1 \
    --from WALLET_NAME \
    --min-self-delegation 1 \
    --moniker YOUR_MONIKER \
    --pubkey $(bcnad tendermint show-validator) \
    --chain-id bitcanna-1 \
    --gas auto \
    --gas-adjustment 1.5 \
    --gas-prices 0.001ubcna

You can check the list of validators (also in Explorer):

bcnad query staking validators --output json| jq

4. Backup the keys and config

Making a backup of the Validator private keys and node keys is very important. Store them encrypted also.

  1. Backup your Validator_priv_key:
tar -czvf validator_key.tar.gz .bcna/config/*_key.json 
gpg -o validator_key.tar.gz.gpg -ca validator_key.tar.gz
rm validator_key.tar.gz

This will create a GPG encrypted file with both key files. You can download the validator_key.tar.gz.gpg file to your computer.

  1. Export the wallet key (if you have backup the seeds keys is enough)
bcnad keys export MyFisrstAddress
Enter passphrase to encrypt the exported key: passwordForCryptThisKey
Enter keyring passphrase: TheWalletPassword 
salt: BEC519DA3C1A3BDFC74D799FE983CA6C
type: secp256k1
kdf: bcrypt


You can copy&paste the entire text above in a text file.

Links to important info



Genesis file

Peer, seeds and public service providers

Archived Guides, FAQs & docs

tags: doc github