Pinned issues
- 1
The art of developing ARTS
#601 opened by riclarsson - 1
Inconsistent ppath inline code comments
#533 opened by m-brath - 1
Inconsistent documentation
#556 opened by riclarsson - 3
New types for ARTS-3
#612 opened by riclarsson - 0
test_path_point fails on CI on windows
#775 opened by olemke - 3
- 1
Name of scattering solver WSMs
#717 opened by erikssonpatrick - 4
Eigenvalue decomposition derivatives needed
#291 opened by riclarsson - 1
Bug for Numeric
#703 opened by Shaofei-Wang224 - 1
Automatic data download
#644 opened by riclarsson - 1
Bug for iyEmissionHybrid
#704 opened by Shaofei-Wang224 - 1
some of the tests still failed with make check-all
#671 opened by nuitlejour - 15
Is an ARTS without master grids possible?
#563 opened by erikssonpatrick - 4
missing test functions
#669 opened by nuitlejour - 0 compilation error
#664 opened by nuitlejour - 0 compilation error
#665 opened by nuitlejour - 2
ARTS vector arithmetic is broken
#584 opened by simonpf - 14
Include particle(s) from ARTS SSDB in test data
#579 opened by simonpf - 0
- 1
make pyarts did not work properly
#535 opened by mignonph75 - 4
#521 opened by erikssonpatrick - 3
#352 opened by erikssonpatrick - 8
- 36
Adopting lookup table creation to new LBL function propmat_clearskyAddLines
#339 opened by stefanbuehler - 1
Parallelize split catalog reading routines
#266 opened by olemke - 6
Second order integration
#258 opened by erikssonpatrick - 10
NANs in absorption crosssections for H2O lower frequencies with Voigt lineshape
#293 opened by olemke - 6
pyarts and unsupported classes
#311 opened by riclarsson - 1
#294 opened by stefanbuehler - 1
- 1
NameError: name '__file__' is not defined
#396 opened by mesghohestany - 1
Convention for angle unit
#370 opened by j-petersen - 0
- 2
- 7
CO2 absorption calculation fails because partition function coeffs are 0 for CO2-737
#350 opened by olemke - 4
Bug with sparse multiplication
#344 opened by riclarsson - 2
Potential bug in yCalcAppend
#331 opened by simonpf - 0
Issues in edge of speedup-LBL
#340 opened by riclarsson - 0
Assertion when ppath is outside the atmosphere
#330 opened by m-brath - 0
README does not list xarray as a build dependency
#318 opened by miikama - 1
ReadSplitARTSCAT ValueError: Type <class 'NoneType'> currently not supported.
#317 opened by kvngvikram - 5
Flatten *propmat_clearsky*
#303 opened by riclarsson - 1
ARTS Errors
#284 opened by riclarsson - 0
Using optimization in other parts of ARTS
#282 opened by riclarsson - 1
Add debug GUI docs
#271 opened by olemke - 2
nlte_field input to iy_main_agenda
#279 opened by erikssonpatrick - 0
MY05 and SB06 PSDs
#280 opened by erikssonpatrick - 2
iyHybrid or iyHybrid2
#264 opened by riclarsson - 1
- 1
Name clash between ARTS variable names and numpy
#249 opened by olemke