
If you want to customize navbar content, or your navbar need a fade-in effect by scrolling. This is it.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The goal is making a easy navigation router for react-native, you could plug-in different navigation-bar in each view stack, and update navigation-bar background style at any time. The router would provide your navigation-bar a smooth transition animation when push, pop or swipe-back gesture is activating.

Inspired by react-native-router

Case 1: Different view stack using different navgation bar


Case 2: Using singleton navigation bar for all views



In your React Native project directory and run:

npm install react-native-custom-navigation --save


In node_modules/react-native-custom-navigation/example directory and run:

npm install

In index.ios.js, 2 demos are ready for you.

var React = require('react-native');
var Demo1 = require('./demo1');
var Demo2 = require('./demo2');

var {
} = React;

AppRegistry.registerComponent('ReactTest', () => Demo1);



  • Not specifying react-native as dependency in package.json
  • Demo using react-native 0.11


  • You can pass initial props to your navbar component by setting navbarPassProps when pushing a route object.
  • You can update current navbar props in current view module by calling this.props.updateNavbarProps.
  • Access the passing props in your navbar module by this.props.xxx,
  • Handle the passing props in componentWillMound or componentWillReceiveProps to render navbar UI.
  • The usage of these features can be found in the example that had been updated.

Basic Usage

var Router = require('react-native-custom-navigation');

Your route object should contain component object for the page to render. I would like setting a back-button component for each view stack, also you can pass this and manage the back-button by your navigation-bar.

var BackButton = React.createClass({
  render() {
    return (
      <Text style={{
          alignSelf: 'center',
          textAlign: 'center',
          fontSize: 16,
          color: '#fff',

var route = {
  component: FirstView,
  title: 'Root',
  titleStyle: {
    color: '#ddd',
    fontSize: 22

var RootController = React.createClass({
  render() {
    return (

AppRegistry.registerComponent('ReactTest', () => RootController);

Here we go. Now we got a scrollView here, we can have fade-in navbar-background when we scrolling down.

var FirstView = React.createClass({
	render() {
		return (
          <View style={styles.buttonView}>
            <Text style={styles.buttonText}>Push with custom navbar</Text>

  _handleScroll(e) {
    var alpha = (e.nativeEvent.contentInset.top + e.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y) / 200;
    if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0;
    if (alpha > 1) alpha = 1;

    var style = {backgroundColor: 'rgba(102, 106, 136, ' + alpha +')'};

  _push() {
    var navbarContent = (
            style={{backgroundColor: color}}/>);

      component: FirstView,
      title: 'title would never show',
      navbarComponent: navbarContent

You can then navigate further to a new component by calling


You can set "navbarComponent" as navigation-bar in next route object. If you want still have the fade-in effect, make sure the background color of your "navbarComponent" is transparent.


The <Router /> object used to initialize the navigation can take the following props:

  • initialRoute (required)
  • backButtonComponent
  • navbarComponent: Set the component as the singleton navbar for all views.
  • navbarPassProps: Send initial props to your singleton navbar, access it by this.props.xxx

The this.props.route.push() callback prop takes one parameter (a JavaScript object) which can have the following keys:

  • title
  • titleStyle
  • component (required) The next view component
  • navbarComponent: Set the component as the navbar in this route
  • passProps: Send object data to your view component. access the data by this.props.xxx
  • navbarPassProps: Send initial data to your navbar, access it by this.props.xxx

The navbarComponent and component access route parameter or function by this.props.route which have the following keys:

  • index
  • previousIndex(for singleton navbar only)
  • progress(for singleton navbar only): current transition animation progress (0 - 1)
  • updateNavbarStyle(view component only)
  • push
  • pop
  • popToTop

The this.props.route.updateNavbarStyle() callback prop takes style object which update the style of navbar background

this.props.route.updateNavbarStyle this function had been abandoned, replace with this.props.updateBarBackgroundStyle() .


  • Less and clear code
  • Make transition animation looks naturally when using singleton navbar and stack navbar at same time.


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