
Learning agents for Gridworld and Pacman games

Primary LanguagePython


Coding Resources for the Udacity ud820 final project. In this project we are working with two domains - Gridworld and Pacman.

Getting Started

To get started read the Project Description.

Try it


For a full list of options:

python gridworld.py -h

For moving the agent in the gridworld manually using arrow keys:

python gridworld.py -m

Learn using value iteration:

python gridworld.py -a value -i 100 -k 10

Learn using Q learning from manual interactions:

python gridworld.py -a q -k 5 -m

Learn using Q learning using epsilon greedy selection (picks the action that maximizes Q, or a random action with probability epsilon):

python gridworld.py -a q -k 100

With a simple feature extractor:

python pacman.py -p ApproximateQAgent -a extractor=SimpleExtractor -x 50 -n 60 -l mediumGrid


Find the docs/ folder in the repository.