100 days of Swift (UIKit) course by Hacking with swift
Idea: 100 tasks for daily learning and practice to cover wide capabilities of Swift, UIKit, SpriteKit and much more. Containcs theoretical part, guided mini-projects and unguided milestone projects.
- Milestone 7-9. - Hangman game
- Milestone 13-15. Simple navigation app with custom cells, table view and MapKit
- Milestone 16-18. Shoot a skier. SprireKit project
- Milestone 19-21. Simple Notes. The default note app imitation
- Milestone 25-27. Meme generator. Upload image from library or camera, add text and share.
- Milestone 28-30. Simplet memorize game: Country and capital. Custom animations.
Interesting guided projects:
- Project 8. UI withous storyboard (only ajusted for iPad)
- Project 9. Tech project. GCD. Modifying project 7
- Project 12. Encoding and Decoding, UserDefaults, Json
- Project 14. Whack-a-panguin game. SpriteKit, SKCropNode, SKAction
- Project 15. Tranform and animate
- Project 16. MapKit and MKAnnotations
- Project 17. Space runner game. SpriteKit, gesture recognitions, rorations
- Project 19. Simple safary extension. Allows to inject JS into open page
- Project 21. Tech project. Creating and scheduling local notification
- Project 23. Swifty ninja. Fruit ninja imitation. SpriteKit, UIBezierPath
- Project 26. Marble maze game. Spritekit, Core motion
- Project 27. Coregraphics and image rendering.
- Project 28. FaceID and TouchID authentification.
- Project 29. Exploding monkeys game. SpriteKit with textures blowing out