This repository provides scripts to test, run, benchmark, and analyze grammar-based fuzzers.
These fuzzers are:
We use a docker image as a runtime environment.
However, all fuzz targets and fuzzers are contained within a home directory on the host volume.
This home directory is then mounted as the /home/rocky/
directory inside the container.
Fuzzing campaign results are stored at /home/rocky/campaign
Hence, if there is a need for a larger disk, please mount it to /home/rocky/campaign
and make sure it has the correct user and group permissions.
- Prerequisites
- Setup user, directories, and permissions
- Build and run the testbed Docker image
- Install fuzz targets and fuzzers
- Run a particular fuzzer
- Benchmark campaigns
- Docker or podman must be installed (following examples are with docker)
- Privileges to become another user, starting docker/podman, and mounting volumes inside a container are required (e.g. via sudo)
- Disable core dumps with
echo core >/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
as a privileged user when using AFL++ based fuzzers - A user and a group, both preferably called
, with the uid9973
and the gid9973
must be present on the host system (instructions below)
IMPORTANT: Before preparing the host system please check whether your host system has the required prerequisites. Refer to the Prerequisites section to check these.
Note: You can freely choose the username, uid, and gid. However, the uid and gid should match the ones in the Dockerfile
otherwise you need to setup ACLs accordingly (not explained).
Create the rocky
# fedora and rocky linux
sudo groupadd --gid 9973 rocky
sudo useradd --uid 9973 --gid 9973 --no-user-group --home-dir /home/rocky --create-home --shell /bin/bash rocky
# ubuntu and debian
sudo addgroup --gid 9973 rocky
sudo adduser --uid 9973 --gid 9973 --home /home/rocky --shell /bin/bash --disabled-password --gecos 'non-privileged user' rocky
Create the /home/rocky/campaign
directory and set the owner to rocky
# create (or mount) the campaign directory
sudo mkdir /home/rocky/campaign
sudo chown rocky:rocky /home/rocky/campaign
Setup the ACLs accordingly
# check the current ACL config
sudo getfacl /home/rocky
# allow your current group to rwx files and dirs in /home/rocky and subdirs
sudo setfacl --recursive --modify default:group:$(id -g):rwx,group:$(id -g):rwx /home/rocky
# allow the rocky user to rwx files that are owned by anyone else,
# which also includes files created by your current user
sudo setfacl --recursive --modify default:user:rocky:rwx,user:rocky:rwx /home/rocky
# check that the command worked as expected by running
sudo getfacl /home/rocky
# # if ACLs were not set as intended, revert changes back to defaults with:
# sudo setfacl --recursive --remove-all /home/rocky
IMPORTANT: Creating and, in particular, running the testbed Docker image requires preparation of the host system. Refer to the "Setup user, directories, and permissions" section on how to set it up.
Build the testbed Docker image
# clone the testbed repository
cd /home/rocky/
git clone
cd testbed
# replace 'docker' with 'podman' on fedora and rocky linux
# (although podman can work without sudo, mounting the host volume
# inside the container with the correct permissions requires it)
sudo docker build --tag testbed:"$(date +'%Y%m%d')" --file Dockerfile .
Run the testbed container
# note down your image name including its tag
sudo docker images
# IMPORTANT: replace the DATE placeholder below with the noted image tag
# start the container and mount the /home/rocky directory inside it (:z is used to work with SELinux)
sudo docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume /home/rocky:/home/rocky:z testbed:DATE /bin/bash
# # short version, if preferred
# sudo docker run --rm -itv /home/rocky:/home/rocky:z testbed:DATE /bin/bash
# inside the container, make sure that you can list files from the host, including the testbed
ls -la
ls -la ~/testbed
# for convenience, you can setup the 'll' alias
echo 'alias ll="ls -l --color=auto"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
IMPORTANT: Execute all subsequent commands within the testbed container. Refer to the Build and run the testbed Docker image section on how to run it.
Install everything
# this takes some time...
for s in ~/testbed/install/*; do bash "${s}"; done
Install only a particular target or fuzzer
# alternatively, you can choose what to install by selecting the script
# this will take care of installing dependencies;
# e.g., to install JerryScript run
bash ~/testbed/install/jerry.bash
# or install ATNwalk and its dependencies
bash ~/testbed/install/atnwalk.bash
IMPORTANT: Execute all subsequent commands within the testbed container and install fuzzers and fuzz targets in advance. Refer to the Build and run the testbed Docker image and Install fuzz targets and fuzzers sections on how to accomplish that.
# Mruby
# SQLite3
# Lua
# JerryScript
# create the required a random seed first
mkdir -p ~/campaign/example/seeds
cd ~/campaign/example/seeds
head -c1 /dev/urandom | ~/atnwalk/build/javascript/bin/decode -wb > seed.decoded 2> seed.encoded
# create the required atnwalk directory and copy the seed
cd ../
mkdir -p atnwalk/in
cp ./seeds/seed.encoded atnwalk/in/seed
cd atnwalk
# assign to a single core when benchmarking it, change the CPU number as required
# start the ATNwalk server
nohup taskset -c ${CPU_ID} ${HOME}/atnwalk/build/javascript/bin/server 100 > server.log 2>&1 &
# start AFL++ with ATNwalk
AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_LIBRARY=${HOME}/AFLplusplus/custom_mutators/atnwalk/ \
~/AFLplusplus/afl-fuzz -t 100 -i in/ -o out -b ${CPU_ID} -- ~/jerryscript/build/bin/jerry
# make sure to kill the ATNwalk server process after you're done
kill "$(cat"
# create the required a random seed first or reuse the seed.decoded file if already worked with ATNwalk
mkdir -p ~/campaign/example/seeds
cd ~/campaign/example/seeds
head -c1 /dev/urandom | ~/atnwalk/build/javascript/bin/decode -wb > seed.decoded 2> seed.encoded
# create the required gramatron directory and copy the seed
cd ../
mkdir -p gramatron/in
cp ./seeds/seed.decoded gramatron/in/seed
cd gramatron
# assign to a single core when benchmarking it, change the CPU number as required
# start AFL++ with Gramatron
AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_LIBRARY=${HOME}/AFLplusplus/custom_mutators/gramatron/ \
GRAMATRON_AUTOMATION=${HOME}/grammars/gramatron/JavaScript_automata.json \
~/AFLplusplus/afl-fuzz -t 100 -i in/ -o out -b ${CPU_ID} -- ~/jerryscript/build/bin/jerry
mkdir -p ~/campaign/example/nautilus/out
cd ~/campaign/example/nautilus
# set the grammar and the fuzz target and then create the config.ron
cat <<EOF > config.ron
//You probably want to change the follwoing options
//File Paths
path_to_bin_target: "${TARGET}",
arguments: [], //"@@" will be exchanged with the path of a file containing the current input
path_to_grammar: "${GRAMMAR}",
path_to_workdir: "$(pwd)/out",
number_of_threads: 1,
timeout_in_millis: 100,
//The rest of the options are probably not something you want to change...
//Forkserver parameter
bitmap_size: 65536, //1<<16
//Thread Settings:
thread_size: 4194304,
hide_output: true, //hide stdout of the target program. Sometimes usefull for debuging
//Mutation Settings
number_of_generate_inputs: 100, //see fuzzing_thread
max_tree_size: 1000, //see generate random
number_of_deterministic_mutations: 1, //see process_input
# assign to a single core when benchmarking it, change the CPU number as required
taskset -c ${CPU_ID} ${HOME}/nautilus/target/release/fuzzer
IMPORTANT: Before running any campaigns, make sure to disable core dumps for AFL++ otherwise your fuzzers may not start. For that, run the following commands
The commands below need to be run with your local user that has sudo privileges (not rocky
# become root
sudo -i
# disable core dumps
echo core >/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
# become your regular but privileged user
Adjust the number of runs inside the /home/rocky/testbed/start_campaign.bash
vim ~/testbed/start_campaign.bash
# adjust RUNS=5 to a value suitable for your setup
# basically it is 3 fuzzers x 5 targets x RUNS = number of utilized cores
# hence RUNS=5 --> 75 cores, RUNS=1 --> 15 cores, and so on...
Lastly, start the fuzzing campaign with the following command
# make sure to be your privileged user to start docker and mount the volume
# IMPORTANT: replace the DATE placeholder below with the noted image via: sudo docker images
# the line starting with "--mount type=tmpfs ..." might not be required,
# but Nautilus creates a lot of files in that directory,
# so make sure to have enough space available at /tmp
sudo docker run --detach --rm \
--ulimit core=0 --ulimit nofile=1000000:1000000 \
--mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp,tmpfs-size=10737418240 \
--volume /home/rocky:/home/rocky testbed:DATE \
/bin/bash /home/rocky/testbed/start_campaign.bash
You can view logs with sudo docker logs [-f] CONTAINER
and use the printed hash.
It should print something like this in the format: fuzzer_name: target/campaign_number cpu_id
atnwalk: mruby/1 11
atnwalk: sqlite3/1 12
atnwalk: php/1 13
atnwalk: lua/1 14
atnwalk: jerry/1 0
gramatron: mruby/1 1
gramatron: sqlite3/1 2
gramatron: php/1 3
gramatron: lua/1 4
gramatron: jerry/1 5
nautilus: mruby/1 6
nautilus: sqlite3/1 7
nautilus: php/1 8
nautilus: lua/1 9
nautilus: jerry/1 10
Check whether the dedicated cores have high utilization with a command like htop
and confirm that processes are started with top
If you find that processes are not not running, then make sure to disable core dumps (see instructions above).
Results, can be found inside the /home/rocky/campaign/
Access results preferably via an interactive docker container, so that programs can be executed with the found inputs
# IMPORTANT: replace the DATE placeholder below with the noted image
sudo docker run --rm -itv /home/rocky:/home/rocky:z testbed:DATE /bin/bash
To obtain AFL metrics in CSV format and decode all ATNwalk inputs, run the following commands:
# obtain the timestamp name of the resulting directory
ls -l /home/rocky/campaign/
# should list a folder in timestamp format like: 20221119-171727
# note that timestamp down
# 1. adjust the CAMPAIGNS array in start_stats.bash first and add the timestamp
# 2. adjust RUNS=5 to a value you have set for start_campaigns.bash
vim /home/rocky/testbed/start_stats.bash
# become the user that can run docker
# IMPORTANT: replace the DATE placeholder below with the noted image
# run the stats script to obtain AFL++ metrics
sudo docker run --detach --rm \
--ulimit core=0 --ulimit nofile=1000000:1000000 \
--mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp,tmpfs-size=10737418240 \
--volume /home/rocky:/home/rocky:z testbed:DATE \
/bin/bash /home/rocky/testbed/start_stats.bash
To obtain GCOV metrics in CSV format and decode all ATNwalk inputs, run the following commands:
# obtain the timestamp name of the resulting directory
sudo su - rocky
ls -l /home/rocky/campaign/
# should list a folder in timestamp format like: 20221119-171727
# note that timestamp down
# IMPORTANT: adjust RUNS=5 to a value you have set for start_campaigns.bash in the following files:
vim /home/rocky/testbed/coverage_atnwalk.bash
vim /home/rocky/testbed/coverage_gramatron.bash
vim /home/rocky/testbed/coverage_nautilus.bash
# become the user that can run docker
# run the stats script to obtain GCOV coverage metrics
# IMPORTANT: set the CAMPAIGN_DATE to the timestamps you've obtained from the above commands and DATE with the correct image tag
sudo docker run --detach --rm \
--ulimit core=0 --ulimit nofile=1000000:1000000 \
--mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp,tmpfs-size=10737418240 \
--volume /home/rocky:/home/rocky:z testbed:DATE \
/bin/bash /home/rocky/testbed/coverage_atnwalk.bash CAMPAIGN_DATE [CAMPAIGN_DATE ...]
sudo docker run --detach --rm \
--ulimit core=0 --ulimit nofile=1000000:1000000 \
--mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp,tmpfs-size=10737418240 \
--volume /home/rocky:/home/rocky:z testbed:DATE \
/bin/bash /home/rocky/testbed/coverage_gramatron.bash CAMPAIGN_DATE [CAMPAIGN_DATE ...]
sudo docker run --detach --rm \
--ulimit core=0 --ulimit nofile=1000000:1000000 \
--mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp,tmpfs-size=10737418240 \
--volume /home/rocky:/home/rocky:z testbed:DATE \
/bin/bash /home/rocky/testbed/coverage_nautilus.bash CAMPAIGN_DATE [CAMPAIGN_DATE ...]
Find all metrics inside /home/rocky/campaign/stats_YOUR_CAMPAIGN_DATE
Use the scripts in ~/testbed/analysis/
to generate plots and calculate statistical tests.