
Substrate Pallet for chaotic experimentations

Primary LanguageRustGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Chaos Pallet

The Chaos module is used to inject chaos into a Substrate Runtime and intentionally break things.


The Chaos module provides functions for:

  • Make Substrate Runtimes behave in ways that they're not supposed to.
  • Explore Runtime edge cases.
  • Explore Extrinsic weights and their economic implications.
  • Expose Runtime Attack Vectors.

Dispatchable Functions


Inspired by overflow extrinsic implementation from Alexander Popiak's how-not-to-build-a-pallet, performs an unchecked sum over the Adder storage object. If the result is above 4_294_967_296, then Adder overflows.

This extrinsic illustrates the importance of using safe operations such as checked_add, checked_sub and their variants from substrate_primitives::U256.


Simply clears the Adder storage object so that unwrap_add can illustrate bad unwraps.


Injects a heavy computation payload into the runtime, effectively dragging block production by calculating hashes in a loop (n times), with constant unitary extrinsic weight.

This extrinsic illustrates the importance of proper weight design.

block dragger


chaoscope provides a CLI utility to automate interaction with pallet-chaos on a local setup.

  1. In case you want to interact with it manually, follow the steps below.
  2. Include pallet-chaos to a substrate-node-template, build it, and start the chain:
$ ./target/release/node-template --dev --tmp
  1. On PolkadotJS, connect to DEVELOPMENT Chain (ws://
  2. Open Developer->Extrinsics.


On a browser new tab, open Developer->Chain state. Then choose chaos-> adder(), and click the + sign. This is how you'll monitor the Adder storage object.

On the extrinsics tab you had previously open, choose chaos->overflowAdder(n).

While monitoring adder() on the Chain state tab, keep adding numbers at will, until you reach 4_294_967_296.

Observe what happens after you add above this value, and imagine what would be the implications if Adder actually represented something meaningful in your chain.

Dragging Blocks

Choose chaos->dragBlockUnitWeight(n).

Here's where the experimentation starts. Choose different values for n, call Submit Transaction and observe the effects on block production.

